Author Topic: 1-click DVD Copy  (Read 44371 times)


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1-click DVD Copy
« on: August 04, 2013, 18:34:57 »
Thought I'd share this idea for a button.  Occasionally I want to copy a disc - this provides a free 1-click, single button solution.
Using ImgBurn (Freeware), its' CLi & the following script to make a batch file:-

Code: [Select]
@echo off
"C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn" /mode isoread /src e: /dest "%temp%\disccopy.iso" /overwrite yes /eject yes /close /start /waitformedia
"C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn" /mode isowrite /dest e: /src "%temp%\disccopy.iso" /eject yes /closesuccess /start /waitformedia /verify yes /deleteimage yes /log "C:\Users\<<<<User>>>>\Documents\Copy_[DATETIME].log"

  • Save above code as IMcopy.bat (or some other .bat).
  [N.B. Edit the path for the imgburn install as req'd - e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\ for x64 OS; edit the source (/src) & destination (/dest) drive letters for the RW drive(s) being used - code above assigns to drive e:.]
  • Drag/drop the .bat to the user button area of the MC taskbar
  • If req'd - Right-click on the new .bat icon - customize; Assign an icon
(I attach the free dvd_add.png converted to .ico from fatcow that I felt was suitable.)

After job completion a date & time named .log is generated, adjust name & destination as req'd, I set the "My Documents" folder path this req's the user name to be entered between the <....>'s.  Or alter as req'd.

This will open Imgburn & cycle the tray as needed, create a temp image, verify the burnt disc & delete the temp image on completion.   Log is written & Imgburn will close.

FYI - To further modify this script - All the CLI commands are in the imgburn readme & any .bat script will always override the GUI.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 18:41:36 by Ulfhednar »