Author Topic: rename a filename by pasting from clipboard  (Read 13475 times)


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rename a filename by pasting from clipboard
« on: December 20, 2013, 03:06:43 »
I suggest to add a function to rename by pasting from clipboard.

My idea is as follows:
1) copy a filename by pressing [Control-C] outside Multi-Commander,
2) highlight the file to be renamed inside Multi-Commander,
3) click the icon to rename by pasting from clipboard
4) a dialogue box appears asking for confirmation. You have the chance to modify the filename, to change the extension. Press [OK] to rename or press [Cancel] to abort.



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Re: rename a filename by pasting from clipboard
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2013, 09:22:37 »
I beleive it's already possible via multiscript and custom button. Edit an existing or make a new button like this:
Command type: Mutli-Script
Write this code in the field:
Code: [Select]
@var $textClip = GetClipboardText();
MC.Explorer.Makedir FOLDERNAME={$textClip}
This command is for making a new directory, but it's easy to modify it to renaming, just change makedir to renameing function.
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