Author Topic: Android SMB Client Recommendation (for MC connection)  (Read 17076 times)


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Android SMB Client Recommendation (for MC connection)
« on: February 26, 2014, 14:32:07 »
An older post (quote below) explains I need an Android app to provide smb client so that MC can access my Tablet (Samsung Galaxy w/KitKat 4.4).  I found a few apps in the Play store but I am new to Android and looking for a recommendation.  Any recommendations for a small, ad free smb client app, free OR paid??

MC can only access remote device that get connected as storage devices. (Get connected as a mounted device and gets a device letter)  For devices that does not support that, you can run an app in android that let the device be a SMB network device. You can then you can access the android device as a normal shared folder over the network.