Multi Commander > Script

Debugger in 4.3 hangs MC on error

<< < (4/4)

Mathias (Author):
NOWAIT is only valid for the CopyFile/MoveFile command in the MultiScript function.. the MC.Explorer.Copy/Move do NOT support NOWAIT.

If you are doing anything on the file you are copying then to include NOWAIT.. With NOWAIT the script engine will not wait for the copy/move to complete before continuing.

No MC.Explorer.Makedir do not support the new extra F# commands. They are only usable for the dialog, and if you are scripting you can do that your self in script and even more anyway.

I see.  8)
This makes MS quite dynamic, moreso than how I have imagined it to be. 

I will need to experiment more.  I'm only scratching the surface so far.   :)


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