Author Topic: Forward keys to the filter bar/box  (Read 13439 times)


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Forward keys to the filter bar/box
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:51:48 »

I am using listary to filter files in other file manageres. But I find that listary and MC don't work together. In other file managers, as soon as I start typing, listary opens, receives the keystrokes and starts to show filtered results dynamically, which is very useful. Is there any chance to make them work together? If anybody is successfully using them together, I would like some pointers on that.

If not possible to make them work together, is it possible to have an option to forward keystroke to the filter bar instead of the commandline bar. Though not as powerful as listary, it would partially serve my purpose.


Mathias (Author)

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Re: Forward keys to the filter bar/box
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2014, 12:51:18 »
Problem is that it is "listary" that hook it self into other programs. There is no API that I can call. "Listary" do not have a SDK.
I do not know how listary works and how it hook it self into a program. I think that Listary need to add a hook for all programs it need to support.

I think you need to ask Listary to add support for MC. If there is anything I need to add for them to hook it MC I can add that. But I find no information about that on there webpage.


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Re: Forward keys to the filter bar/box
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 03:55:07 »
If not possible to make them work together, is it possible to have an option to forward keystrokes to the filter bar instead of the commandline bar. Though not as powerful as listary, it would partially serve my purpose.

Seeing that nothing can be done on your side to better integrate Listary and MC, could you consider my workaround? Thanks.