Multi Commander > Support and Feedback
File panel items doubled when opening \\[computer]\drive_letter$
1. Start MC without folder trees.
2. Go to root of some drive, e.g. D:\
3. Switch on tree view.
4. In the address field enter \\[your_computer_name]\d$
Result: all items in the file panel are doubled. See pic.
P.S. My computer is in the domain, so i don't know whether it can be reproduced on the 'regular' PC.
P.P.S. Why does sorting in the tree view differs from the one in file panel?
P.P.P.S. I have enabled all Icons options, but MC doesn't display 'hand' overlay icon on the shared folders (for both hidden and visible shares)
Mathias (Author):
I seen that sometime my self on very rare occasion. But I never been able to reproduce it so I could debug it.
If you press F2 (refresh) it should fix that.
Couple of question of you have the time.
Have you listed "\\[your_computer_name]\d$" before in the same instance ?
MultiCommander does a lot of caching and if you listed it before that path might be cached in memory.
And the problem might be when it trying to update the cache.
Can something have updated the filesystem at "\\[your_computer_name]\d$" at the same time. (some program other then MultiCommander wrote a file, deleted a folder or sometime)
One theory I have is that the filesystem is change while browsing it, And that makes multicommander rescan it again. while already scanning it. It should be protected against double scanning. but maybe there is a whole in the locking down of that.
Sorting in the tree view is always by filename. I had it follow the list view but got bad feedback on it. Most people wanted it to work as in Windows Explorer. I might include some option for it.
Hand icon on shares. I think it should be there. I know I seen it before, What OS are you running ?
Hmm on my current machine (Win7 64bit) I don't get a hand (or other overlay icon) on folders that are shared when viewing in Windows Explorer.
I use OEM Windows XP SP3 Professional (Russian) x32.
I've just tried to unload all programs except antivirus (McAfee).
1. I launched MC without folders tree. OK (pic 1).
2. In the address field i've entered '\\ganeev\d$'. OK.
3. Switched folder tree on. NOT OK (pic 2).
I've never observed '\\ganeev\d$' via MC before the problem occured.
'Hand' icons are shown normally in Explorer and NexusFile too.
Mathias (Author):
Double Items
It is some kind of timing issue. I'm not able to reproduce it here. But I will try to see if I can force it to happen someway.
If you have the time. I can send you a build of MultiCommander that output some logging about that it does when scanning the filesystem.
Hand Icon
I did some checking and Windows 7 does now support the hand icon anymore.
I rewrote the icon overlay handling a while ago, and overlay icons for the tortoiseSVN shell extension and others are working.
So I never notice that the hand icons stopped working since almost everybody testing MultiCommander was also running Win7.
I will take a look at it. Just need to find a win XP with develop environment on, but I think I got a vmware with that somewhere.
--- Quote from: Mathias (Author) on July 19, 2011, 12:28:45 ---If you have the time. I can send you a build of MultiCommander that output some logging about that it does when scanning the filesystem.
--- End quote ---
Sure. I'll try to help.
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