Author Topic: Disable full row select?  (Read 23573 times)


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Disable full row select?
« on: March 15, 2015, 17:59:43 »
Is this possible? Normally you can use R-click/Refresh but doesn't seem to be available in MC?

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Disable full row select?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2015, 18:20:22 »
Depends on what you mean.

But if you want context menu for parent to be show when clicking on white space the is an option for that under mouse configuration.

The Context menu shown is not created by MC.. MC just tells Windows to show it and it creates it. MC do not add own items to the context menu.. (yet).


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Re: Disable full row select?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2015, 18:55:51 »
I mean,  R-click in windows explorer has option to Refresh,  Mc doesn't have this option. As the list view was full I thought it may be due to full row selection being set,  so I looked for a setting but cannot find one.

Both of these things are something I used very frequently, well full row selection was always off as I personally find it an irritation when trying to access windows context options for parent.

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Re: Disable full row select?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2015, 19:29:29 »
Since the context menu is from Windows. So even if there was a refresh it would not work since MC is not Windows Explorer

But in MC you do not need to right click to refresh there is a refresh button on toolbar inside the explorer panel..
Or press the shortcut F2orF5 or Menu > View > Refresh.
or Refresh button on the button bar..    Refresh  is in many places.


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Re: Disable full row select?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2015, 22:21:05 »
Forgive me but you said the context menu is not from Mc but from windows. Yet everything else shows except Refresh? Seems strange this one thing is left out!

Do you not cater for those that require a minimal interface? Are you just adding stuff without thought of practicality regarding its placement?

Design is as important as function.  Its OK having a button,  but when that is the only button required on that toolbar you find yourself overcrowded with screen hogging toolbars with few functions! Hence I requested customisable toolbars that allow all buttons to be placed wherever best suited.

As I said I'm my very first post, this is an area few developers seem to cater for, and for the life of me,  I truly don't understand why! I know that he I were to design any software,  the first thing above function I would choose is customisation. That's important to every single person using any and every piece of software ever written.

But few dev's seem to realise how important that is. How many users would change things to suit their needs, then fine their productivity increases?!

Any way just my point of view,  no offence intended.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Disable full row select?
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2015, 23:06:15 »
Forgive me but you said the context menu is not from Mc but from windows. Yet everything else shows except Refresh? Seems strange this one thing is left out!
Refresh in context menu is not a "standard" menu item. Windows Explorer add this (and it also adds some other in some other situations)
Since refresh is something that the calling window needs to know about this is not something that can be standard.

Do you not cater for those that require a minimal interface? Are you just adding stuff without thought of practicality regarding its placement?
It is impossible to create something that will be perfect for everybody, because we have different needs.

Design is as important as function.  Its OK having a button,  but when that is the only button required on that toolbar you find yourself overcrowded with screen hogging toolbars with few functions! Hence I requested customisable toolbars that allow all buttons to be placed wherever best suited.
Most command can be accessed from multiple ways. Menu/Toolbar/Buttons/ShortCuts/Script/Alias
Customizing toolbar is currently not possible because of architectural reasons.
Go to Menu > Configuration > Manager Plugins and Extensions.   See everything in MC is a plugin/extension. This make adding new features easier. But it also add restriction on other things. 

As I said I'm my very first post, this is an area few developers seem to cater for, and for the life of me,  I truly don't understand why! I know that he I were to design any software,  the first thing above function I would choose is customisation. That's important to every single person using any and every piece of software ever written.
There are a lot of customization settings. So many that people say it is to much. And so many that I get request for thing that already there.
Only very few people actual do lots of customization. Most users just want to start and go, That why I got two default configuration mode to choose from at first start. Commander Style and Windows Explorer Like Style

But few dev's seem to realise how important that is. How many users would change things to suit their needs, then fine their productivity increases?!
Just because you thing it is important does not mean that everybody does. Most users don't do heavy customization. They change 3-4 settings and that it.
Most devs would like to add lots of customization. But the more you add the more complex things are getting, and the more things can and will break. And more options harder things will be to test. And then you will get bugs that only happens of settings X,Y is on and A,B  is off and then you got a billion of combination. That can leads to numbers bugs. The complexity grows at an enormous rate if everything is customizable. And at the end it would be impossible to maintain.


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Re: Disable full row select?
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2015, 22:45:53 »
Hmm... I see what you mean, though I disagree to some extent. But then it's a free app that you seem to be developing for personal use, so it should be appreciated for what it is. That, I do, I just think, personally you may want to consider changing certain things for more customisation, but hey, like you said I'm probably the only one here that thinks that!

I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions, however naive they may have been to you, thanks  ;)

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Disable full row select?
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2015, 23:00:09 »
Hmm... I see what you mean, though I disagree to some extent. But then it's a free app that you seem to be developing for personal use, so it should be appreciated for what it is. That, I do, I just think, personally you may want to consider changing certain things for more customisation, but hey, like you said I'm probably the only one here that thinks that!

I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions, however naive they may have been to you, thanks  ;)
Don't know what you disagree with. Was a lot of text in previous post.

But as I said some customized will come some will not. Depends on what it is, and how it affect the underlaying structure and if it can create conflicts or not
and if it is useful.  Customization just for the same of it is not good.

Did not say you are the only one.. But there are many voices for many things.  And a lot of voices goes against each other.


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Re: Disable full row select?
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2015, 23:43:30 »
I didn't go into what I disagree with as It's been discussed and didn't want to rant on any more than I have and waste your time  :-[

I appreciate it must be difficult for developer's to try pleasing everyone, which is not possible of course, so best of luck to you  ;)