Author Topic: Option to preallocate disk space when coping files  (Read 17391 times)


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Option to preallocate disk space when coping files
« on: September 17, 2015, 09:38:15 »
But one think that will make more of a different is the option to preallocate the target file. Most filesystem support that now and that is an option that is coming. This will tell the filesystem before the data is written that the file is for example 100MB, and the filesystem will create an empty 100MB file directly that the data is then written into. (since it gets a hint of the final size the filesystem can find a large enough block range for the entire file directly)
However there are some issues with this on some filesystem and network location so this option will not be on by default.
Any news about this option?


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Re: Option to preallocate disk space when coping files
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 14:58:51 »
How about this idea as an alternative to to pre-allocating disk space.

Before you start a copy or move process there is a function that checks to see if there is enough space on the target for your source to move into?
Either a way to have it run automatically on a copy/move or a separate function so a button or short cut can be set up to check for available space on target?

Not sure I've explained that very well.

Sorry for bumping an old topic but thought it was relevant.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Option to preallocate disk space when coping files
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2015, 18:20:08 »
PreAllocaton and check free space are to solve different things..
PreAllocation is good for avoiding disk fragmentation. and it reserve the space so no other process can use it.

Before you start a copy or move process there is a function that checks to see if there is enough space on the target for your source to move into?
Either a way to have it run automatically on a copy/move or a separate function so a button or short cut can be set up to check for available space on target?
A Button to ask if target has the space of selected files from the source ?  (Not sure I get that and how PreAllocatiopn solves it ?)
Or do you mean that it should check free space before copying everyfiles.. ? ( I think it does that. Hmm Not sure. There was some changes around this a couple of versions ago. might not remember it correct)

PreAllocation is something I have on my list. However all filesystem in MC are plugins and to support this I have to redesign some parts.. And I been avoiding doing that becuse of other reasons. But it will be included when I get the time to do that.