Multi Commander > Script
MultiScript Name selection excluding file extension?
I'm wondering about how to exclude the file extension with multiscript. (Obviously MultiRename has a switch for this.)
If I use GetSourceSelectedFileNames or similar, I get a complete name.
I thought about generating a list of files to clipboard without extensions & I thought about renaming using a regex but excluding the extension.
Whilst I can imagine using something like (pdf$|txt$) in the regex to force to an end of name, this is quite restrictive.
It would be nice if there is a way to target the process to the different parts <file>.<ext> to avoid some clashes.
I have a pdf which the user has labelled document(pdf).pdf as the creator has their Windows settings on exclude showing extensions & uses extra filetype identification signals.
If I run a normal SAR in MS for pdf I'd lose both elements.
Is there anything like e.g. GetSourceSelectedFileNamesExcludeExt script function for file name selections?
Or have I not found the way this is done? ::)
I am going to try StrSplit & a $anchor to see if I can target it to the correct regex selected elements... & PathGetNamePart is one of the things I should be thinking about!
Is that what you are looking for?
Thanks Jungle.
I had finally got round to that when I saw your post! ::)
I thought I recalled something of the sort but was not looking in the right section!
I managed to do what I wanted by using several passes in the script.
The biggest question I had was trimming extraneous characters like a trailing whitespace or brackets.
I used
--- Code: ---@var $re = "(docx$|pdf$|txt$)";
@var $reWS = "\s+\.";
--- End code ---
to identify file exts to a regex & then ".$1" to ensure a dot was next to that ext.
Wondered if there was a better way.
I know it is possible to exclude the ext from the rename pass outside MS, & that this way means I must specify the exts for the regex.
I had wondered about StrSplit, but having got the array I couldn't get it to re-assemble after the renaming pass on array element 0.
output to -
0 = file-name
1 = ext
Is there a function to rejoin 0 & 1 + add/keep a . delimiter?
Thanks in advance!
::) OK I think I should just have recalled the discussion on
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