Multi Commander 6.4 Alpha 2
Another Alpha release. Please test and report any issue around file system scanning and update of filesystem.
As said for Alpha1, the biggest change is the new file system scanning. and that is goes in the background.
hereNew in this Alpha is that the new file system scanning is now ON by default.
You have to opt-out of it in settings if you have any issue, then it uses the old way. (Before it was opt-in and some users missed that)
Also you can enable a new log tab, that log the filesystem scanning and such. However the log can be very talky.
so only enable it if you need to troubleshoot something.
Also the Alpha does not work on WinXP
When testing..One thing to think about is that since the filesystem scanning is running in the background, there is a small time window
between when the filescanning is started and the UI is updated, and during this time the UI is not locked.
In most situations this time is so short so you will not notice it.
But you CAN (in theory) issue another command during that time (if you are really really fast.)
However most commands in the Explorer Panel is locked down during this period. But I might have missed some.
So if you notice that you can do anything strange, or something, Let me know.
(Btw FolderTree panel is NOT using this. It is still using the old blocking filesystem scanning.. So no need to report that

Portable downlaods for v6.4.0.2199 ALPHA2
Portable - 64bitPortable - 32bit** If you test this release - Please report any issues you find around scanning the file system here or send me a mail **