Author Topic: Copy from FTP and errors - continued.  (Read 14941 times)


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Copy from FTP and errors - continued.
« on: December 10, 2016, 18:08:26 »
Good evening.

I have another problem with sending FTP. When I send a file to an external server, FTP client built-in Multi Commanter can lose the connection to the FTP server, but can not resume it, so that dosłać the rest of the file to be sent.

In general, Multi Commander I really like and I wanted to completely abandon the Total Commander. But not impossible because as you can see the FTP client does not work as it should. From the Total Commander there was no problem with sending the file to the server. I enclose a log of file transfer:

2016-12-10 16:48:28 = Połącz do strony : używając portu 21
2016-12-10 16:48:28 < 220 Welcome to the OVH free hosting FTP server. Please login...
2016-12-10 16:48:28 > USER technologia31
2016-12-10 16:48:28 < 331 Password required for technologia31
2016-12-10 16:48:28 > PASS (hidden)
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 230 User technologia31 logged in
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > SYST
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 215 UNIX Type: L8
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > FEAT
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 211-Features:
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  MDTM
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  MFMT
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  TVFS
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  UTF8
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  MFF modify;;UNIX.mode;
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  LANG en-GB*
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  REST STREAM
2016-12-10 16:48:31 <  SIZE
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 211 End
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > OPTS UTF8 ON
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 200 UTF8 set to on
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > TYPE A
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 200 Type set to A
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > MODE S
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 200 Mode set to S
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > STRU F
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 200 Structure set to F
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > CWD /
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 250 CWD command successful
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > PORT 192,168,1,63,78,78
2016-12-10 16:48:31 < 200 PORT command successful
2016-12-10 16:48:31 > LIST
2016-12-10 16:48:32 < 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
2016-12-10 16:48:32 < 226 Transfer complete
2016-12-10 16:48:33 > CWD /www
2016-12-10 16:48:33 < 250 CWD command successful
2016-12-10 16:48:33 > PORT 192,168,1,63,78,79
2016-12-10 16:48:33 < 200 PORT command successful
2016-12-10 16:48:33 > LIST
2016-12-10 16:48:34 < 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
2016-12-10 16:48:34 < 226 Transfer complete
2016-12-10 16:48:50 > CWD /www
2016-12-10 16:48:50 < 250 CWD command successful
2016-12-10 16:48:50 > PORT 192,168,1,63,78,80
2016-12-10 16:48:50 < 200 PORT command successful
2016-12-10 16:48:50 > LIST
2016-12-10 16:48:50 < 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
2016-12-10 16:48:50 < 226 Transfer complete
2016-12-10 16:48:50 > TYPE I
2016-12-10 16:48:50 < 200 Type set to I
2016-12-10 16:48:50 > PORT 192,168,1,63,78,81
2016-12-10 16:48:50 < 200 PORT command successful
2016-12-10 16:48:50 > STOR /www/
2016-12-10 16:48:50 < 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /www/
2016-12-10 16:49:22 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:24 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:26 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:28 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:30 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:32 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:34 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:36 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:38 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:40 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:42 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:44 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:46 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:48 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:50 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:52 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:54 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2016-12-10 16:49:55 > ABOR
2016-12-10 16:49:55 < 552 Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded
2016-12-10 16:49:56 > NOOP
2016-12-10 16:49:56 < 226 Abort successful

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Copy from FTP and errors - continued.
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 18:14:01 »
"AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy"
Looks like your FTP server do not support the NOOP command (anti idle command) or something.
You can turn it off in the site settings, then it will not try to send AntiIdle commands.
But then the server might close the command connection, But it depends on what ftp server it is