Author Topic: Problem with MC had to reset (Scanning Filesystem error)  (Read 15722 times)


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Problem with MC had to reset (Scanning Filesystem error)
« on: January 29, 2017, 19:59:00 »
I used some bad Command-line Arguments to run as Administrator on a shortcut in Stardock ObjectDock, & that messed up my MC (the Folder tree wasn't displaying on Startup & the tabs weren't saved on next resumed session.) As a result I had to Reset. That fixed everything & everything was back to normal (I made a backup before (but not using it as it's broken.) I suspect it was the "runas /profile /user /save vcredist C:\Program Files\MultiCommander64" in Shortcut Arguments that messed it up. This was the error I got from both panes (it was hard to take a snapshot --it happened in the blink of an eye.): Also I had accidentally made the mistake of ticking "Don't Show Me This Again" on the "Link Network Drives" on Administrator mode in MC. & I needed to enable that again! Also, before I had Dropbox & OneDrive folders on the toolbox --how do I get those again?? Please this is _very_ important! I had backups of the Config I will check them later to determine how! Also just wanted to point out that some things aren't saved in the backup (like Favorites if I'm right.)
I can't seem to get the FTP to work /w my site account --works in FileZilla (probably a fault on my end.)
If you can just get me to display the OneDrive & Dropbox icons on the toolbar, that would be a great help!
Yours faithfully,
Roth13[] Designz™
PS: It was actually [this argument in shortcut that caused the crash]: runas /user:REQUIREDUSERNAME /savecred c:\PATH\TO\APP.exe
Only I replaced them with appropriate username & path. If I may link you to these two articles: & --I shouldn't have followed them, it was a big mistake!
P.P.S: Okay it's fixed as per this post: Thanks anyway!!
P.P.P.S: Okay I got FTP to work  --is there a special way to disconnect other than closing the tab?
PPPPS: Okay I found it after searching: -sheesh- I should look up before I go posting in here --I would just close the tab before --never used the Disconnect\Eject button --might've corrupted my server\account!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 05:14:23 by total_annihilation00 »
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Mathias (Author)

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Re: Problem with MC had to reset (Scanning Filesystem error)
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2017, 07:52:57 »
I don't know what you special arguments for the shortcut does. And why that messed up things.

What drives types to show in toolbar is configured in
Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel > Layout(Tab)
Then check the "Cloud Folders" checkbox for what drive buttons to show in the "Main window toolbar"

Linked networks connection can be enabled/disable from  the commandline field in MC

enable type  ":EnableLinkedConnections 1"

Disable type  ":EnableLinkedConnections 0"

Makesure MC is run as admin.

You disconnect ftp by pressing the "disconnect / remove" icon in the explorer panel  (Second to last icon on the row that show free/avail space)
Closing tab do not close FTP connection,  FTP creates a virtual device 0: to 9: and you can browse that device from any tab.
The virtual device is not connected to a view.


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Re: Problem with MC had to reset (Scanning Filesystem error)
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2017, 16:00:58 »
Thanks a lot! Okay I can confirm FTP is working --had to use syntax like "0:\public_html\" --Before I added the Site name ("0:\NeoViper-10 Homepage\public_html\") that's probably why it wasn't working --I was thinking it was my bandwidth (though that could be it.) Transferring files this way without FileZilla is much faster --thank you! BTW I'am using it for a free web host.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 19:40:07 by total_annihilation00 »
~The World's Deceit Has Raped My Soul, We Melt The Plastic People Down Then We Melt Their Plastic Town~