Author Topic: Newbie be gentle! How can I set default to hide copy/move window when process  (Read 17062 times)


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HI New user and what a great feature packed program. Seems to be what i am looking for but of course there is a steep learning curve.
How can i hide automatically the copy or move command, once the process is started?
I thought there would be a core configuration to do this but i cant seem to find this anywhere.
Thanks for the first of what may be a few cries for help  till i get up to speed.

thanks to the designer as well.
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Mathias (Author)

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Hide copy/move command ?
No, The copy/move are happening in the background so you can start a multiple of them. So too hide the copy/move command(?) when a copy in running would not make sense

OR do you want to hide the copy progress window ?  No you cant do that. Without the window no error feedback can be shown , and you would not be able to see what is happening or be able to abort it. You can configure auto close on it so it auto closes when copy is done.. (should be on by default)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 07:48:44 by Mathias (Author) »


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Thank you very much for the reply.
It is the progress window, a sample picture is attached.

In other words, I start the copy process and the copy window is visible, I then minimise this window to continue other work and it is gone and copy progress appears in the bottom rhs area as a bar. 

My query was to have the copy window once started the copy process, to have it automatically minimise itself and only come back visible if an error occurs, or until the process completes and the close window option is then working.

I hope to have explained this query?

Once again it seems the Multicommander is a magnificent piece of work and I am sure to discover many features not immediately obvious to a beginner like myself however I can sense the many configuration options have a powerful engine under the hood.

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Mathias (Author)

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Ahh Okey
Sorry, There is no settings for that.


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no problem, I am getting used to it, have set window to close after completion.
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Mathias (Author)

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If you do not want to click away the window you can just press  Alt+Tab as soon as the window is shown and you return to MC.
Because the windows hierarchy should be correct


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Thanks Mathias, another good idea and simple too.
So good you have your finger on the forum pulse. I will look at the donation page soon.
Everything from the program and forum is appreciated.
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