Author Topic: Multicommander does not attempt to resolve mapped drives  (Read 14920 times)


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This has become more of an issue these days because of the proliferation of SSDs. Basically windows attempts to resolve mapped drives only once, and if the computer boots too fast, it will try it before networking is initialized. This leads to the network drive being there, but windows does not see it until you try to access it via explorer. It looks like

The problem is that the mapped drive (Y:\ in the image) is invisible as far as multicommander is concerned. You can't navigate to it, it does not show up in the drive list, you can't manually type in the drive letter to go to it. As soon as you physically open it in explorer, multicommander can then see it, but the whole point of multicommander is that it replaces explorer.


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Re: Multicommander does not attempt to resolve mapped drives
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2017, 19:37:37 »
I've had this issue with more than MultiCommander.   An easy way to solve it is to just have a batch file or script access the mapped drives when restarting.

I use AutoHotKey for this and some other startup tasks.

There is a script called AutoHotKey.ahk which runs when AHK is started.  In it I have the following...

; Try to initialize mapped folders...
DriveSpaceFree, FreeSpace, X:\
DriveSpaceFree, FreeSpace, Y:\
DriveSpaceFree, FreeSpace, Z:\
All this does is check how much space is free on each drive.  It's enough to get the drives recognized.  If timing is still an issue, it's very easy to insert a delay into the script.   

Something similar could also be done using a standard MSDOS batch file....

dir X: >NUL:
dir Y: >NUL:
dir Z: >NUL:

I think that would accomplish the same thing.