Author Topic: No refresh of changed network shares in Dropdown drive list and drive letter bar  (Read 16705 times)


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As already told in December 2016 MC does not refresh the Dropdown drive list after changing the mapping between a drive letter and a network share. If a mapping already exists before MC starts, it is shown correctly. If you delete this letter it will vanish from the drop down list. If you map this drive letter to another share, the drive letter will be shown again in the drop down list and the drive bar but it shows the wrong (original) mapping in the drop down list and in the tooltip of the drive letter bar.

This error resp. incomplete implementation of drive mapping changes is very annoying if you are working in a company with many PCs and network shares and you have (older) batches which requires drive mappings instead of unc pathes.

So I'm wondering why this error could not be fixed in the last 8 months. Does no one else care about it? Is my description not clear enough to understand the problem?

Mathias (Author)

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Maybe because I been busy, Or I have not had the issue my self, Or been able to reproduce it (I remapp network devices to same letter sometimes and I never seen any issue with it)

MC depends on Windows to notify MC about when new device are added, remove and such. And if for some reason Windows do not tell MC that a new device is available MC has not way of know it.
When MC gets the notification from Windows it is logged to the AppLog , So If you look in the AppLog (Ctrl+L) you can see if MC gets those event from Windows.
(Unless you turned it off)

In the device dropdown list at the bottom is a RefreshDevices option, select this and it will go through all device letters and add / remove them if missing.


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Mathias, I don't wanted to offend you. Keep on your good work. I really appreciate it.

As I wrote MC recognizes all drive changes and the drive mappings are as expected. But the mapping description in MC is wrong after the change. The description in the dropdown list and in the tooltip of the drive letter bar still shows the previous mapped network share. Even "Refresh Devices" in dropdown list does NOT help, description (network share) remains wrong. So if you don't care about the mapping description in MC and you keep the correct mapping of drive letters to network shares in your mind then all works fine.

But it is confusing if the real mapping and the mapping description in MC differs. If you really often change the letters and you use several mapped drive letters then this can be dangererous if you do file commands on the wrong share because you loose track of your mappings. This is the reason why I cannot use MC in a professional environment. And believe me, I would like to use it.

I tried it in every new MC version within W7 and W10, MC always shows this problem. Only after restart of MC the description (network share) of the mappings is refreshed once (until next MC start).

I'm pretty sure that once you understand my problem and you do a closer look to your MC mapping descriptions you'll see the problem also in your MC.

Mathias (Author)

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Show the drive show up but with tooltip and description from previous mapping, so it is only the texts that are wrong?,   I have not notice that but I do not really pay attention to that parts when I use it.. I will check that later.


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Yes, only the text is wrong after mapping change.