Author Topic: sub-directories and files stay toggled when exiting/re-entering sub-directory  (Read 14409 times)


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I am a long-time user of dual-pane file managers, think PCTools for DOS v6 and Norton Commander for DOS, through 2xExplorer of about 1999.  I am however, new to Multi-Commander, having only discovered it about a month ago, but have registered today, 09JAN2018, to ask this question:

Why do selected sub-directories and files stay "selected" (active) even thought the user exits a sub-directory, then returns to it (only to see the previously selected items still "selected" (active)?  I have never seen this behavior in any previous dual-pane browser.  I frequently find myself selecting several items in Multi-Commander, browsing up a level, returning to the aforementioned level, then selecting one sub-directory or file to copy or move, only to find that the (several) previously selected items were still selected (remembered by Multi-Commander as "selected) and are thus copied or moved because I failed to notice that Multi-Commander has "remembered" that the items were previously selected.

I am not sure if this is a bug of Multi-Commander or an intended design by the developer who believes that once something is selected it remains selected (focused) until Multi-Commander is closed, regardless, I would like to know if there is a way to disable this "remembering" of selections or if it is something being worked on to be fixed, or if it is just the design of the developer and will stand as is.

I like Multi-Commander as it is better than 2xExplorer for managing files across my home network with Windows 10, 8.2 and 7 computers, than 2xExplorer does, but if this "remembering" of selections does not have the ability to be turned off, I will keep searching for alternatives.


Craig Knapp

Mathias (Author)

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They stay selected because it is a feature. so for example you can select files and go in and out of folder to see if you want to select that folder without loosing the selection.
You don't need to worrie about lossing the selections if you accidently browse away to check something. or do something else and so on. And as soon as you copy/move/delete the selections goes away. or presss ctrl+d to remove all selection.  It is the feature I got most 'likes' for.  when you learn to use it and expect it you don't want to loose it :)

However, You can turn it off in Explorer Panel Settings, and it will not remeber selections