If I'm going to bring it back ontopic.

I often do not run with thumbnails unless I work with images. So I have not seen an issue with that in MC. And it is a bit hard to reproduce.
What view mode is you running Thumbnail List or Details ?
Is in any kind if images that are now shown . (like only jpg fail and png works ?) or all image..
What are you doing, Like what kind of files do you have. and any other infromation you can give me on how to setup something to try to reproduce it.
If you enable the logging for thumbnails. And it happens again you might get information in the log if MC get an error from Windows and such.
If it is a caching issue with MC you can in the command line bar type ":ctc" (clear thumbnail cache) and then do a force refresh.. (F2/F5 depending on key setup)
If that works, then the issue in within the MC caching.