Multi Commander > Support and Feedback
Can you hide some of the buttons?
Is it possible to hide buttons - or at least hide a couple of the rows of buttons? I've searched and cannot find it. Hopefully I've missed something simple.
Mathias (Author):
With Ctrl+B you can hide/show the entire button panel.
If you want to change how many button (rows and columns) the button panel should show need to edit the configuration for that manually.
Menu > Help > Go to > Config Folder
Select "MultiButtons.xml"
Select Menu > Tools > Text Conversion > To Windows Format (CRLF)
Then edit the MultiButtons.xml file.
the second line in that file contains the rows and cols. change them
--- Code: ---<buttonpanel id="1" rows="4" cols="8">
--- End code ---
You can change that to 1 or 2 rows if you want to have less buttons.
Thank you very much for the quick reply - I really appreciate it!
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