Author Topic: MC HANGS: Moving duplicate files with "If Newer" option  (Read 16524 times)


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Using latest beta MC x64 v8.9 Build 2528 portable release candidate
OS: Windows 10 64-bit (version 1903 Build 18362.239)

GOAL: I'm trying to move a new version of an identical file from folder temp1 into folder temp2, but I only want to overwrite the file in temp2 if the file in temp1 (latest version by date/time stamp) is newer than the older file in temp2.  In other words, move file if  the datestamp in Temp1 > Temp2

MC hangs with the progress dialog open while moving duplicate files across folders using the IF NEWER option.  Screenshots attached. The issue did not exist previously.

Steps to reproduce problem:
  • In menu, select View > Split Size > 50 / 50 to use split view.
  • In left panel, create a new folder called temp1
  • In right panel, create a new folder called temp2
  • Copy and paste a test test file into temp1 folder.   I'll refer to this file as Russell 3000.pdf
  • Copy a different test file with an older date/time stamp into the temp2 folder. 
  • Rename the file in temp2 folder as Russell 3000.pdf
    Note: Be sure to use the *exact* same filename and extension as  the filename in temp1 folder, i.e. Russell 3000.pdf).  The date/time stamp of the file in temp2 folder should be different (and older) to demonstrate this use case. Do not copy an identical file into both folders. Temp1 file must be dated earlier than temp2 (old file). You can alter the date/time of the file in temp2, if needed, using the Tools > Change Properties menu.
  • Now we're ready to demonstrate the hanging when moving duplicate filenames
  • Go to the temp1 folder, select file Russell 3000.pdf
  • In the MC menu, choose File > Move and then click OK
  • When the overwrite warning popup dialog appears, take note of the file date/time differences. 
    Temp1 is the newest version of the file; Temp2 is an old version (date is earlier than file in temp1)
  • click IF NEWER button to move the file from temp1 to temp2
  • MC should simply move the file from temp1 to temp2, since temp2 file is newer.  Instead, MC hangs indefinitely, and no file is moved.  I clicked Abort after waiting a long time.
Attached is a portion of my MC File Operations log (2019-07-17-(1032)-FileOperations.log) to help debug "ErrorCode 10":

2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Move - Prepare writing
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Failed to move file C:\temp\Russell 3000.pdf to C:\temp2\Russell 3000.pdf ( ErrorCode 10 )
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 [Overwrite all older] File at target location is older, Overwrite it (C:\temp2\Russell 3000.pdf)
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Source and target of MOVE operation might not be on the same disk.
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Move - Prepare writing
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Failed to move file C:\temp\Russell 3000.pdf to C:\temp2\Russell 3000.pdf ( ErrorCode 10 )
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 [Overwrite all older] File at target location is older, Overwrite it (C:\temp2\Russell 3000.pdf)
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Source and target of MOVE operation might not be on the same disk.
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Move - Prepare writing
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Failed to move file C:\temp\Russell 3000.pdf to C:\temp2\Russell 3000.pdf ( ErrorCode 10 )
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 [Overwrite all older] File at target location is older, Overwrite it (C:\temp2\Russell 3000.pdf)
2019-07-17 16:55:32.051 Operations has been requested to be paused. will wait until Pause event is signaled.
2019-07-17 16:55:32.060 CFMCopyProgressDlg::OnWorkerThreadPaused()
2019-07-17 16:55:32.911 Set Workerthread action to abort
2019-07-17 16:55:32.911 Signal workerthread to continue.
2019-07-17 16:55:32.911 PauseEvent has been signaled. Will now continue.
2019-07-17 16:55:32.911 Abort file operations request.
2019-07-17 16:55:32.912 CFMCopyProgressDlg::OnWorkerThreadContinued()
Please let me know if you are able reproduce the problem as I've described.  I've attached a screenshot of my filesystem core settings, in case that is needed. Thanks once again for a fantastic program which I use daily and cannot live without.  Cheers 🤞
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 22:57:56 by Anti-Bacterial »
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Mathias (Author)

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Re: MC HANGS: Moving duplicate files with "If Newer" option
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2019, 12:45:40 »
Ahh Needs to be move on the same disk.  Will check why it happens