Hi MC community.
In the hope of getting some ideas or directions from more advanced MC users here, this is the problem I try to solve...

I am looking for way to map my most important PC workflows into the MC user interface. E.g. photo processing, eBook management, programming, etc. Each of these workflows typically involve (a) multiple explorer folders and (b) multiple tools or scripts.
The Tab Session feature in MC might be quite useful for (a), one session for each workflow.
For (b), my idea is to map the respective session tools into the button panel of MC.
To do this I would need a different set of buttons for each Tab Session.
Thinking about my options, this is what I came up with:
- Is this behavior already possible and I just couldn’t find it? (MC documentation: “Tab Session Manager - This page have not been written yet.”)
- Should I put a request to the MC Author (Mathias) and wait and hope? (This might be an outstanding feature to move on from file management to workflow management)
- Maybe there is a workaround with MC scripting, like “If Tab Session = XXX then set button panel to XXX-buttons”?
- I understand Tab Sessions are limited in number so if I want a higher number of sessions I might have to do this at MC start with “-F=<filename.ini>”.
Or would there be a totally different approach?
Your thoughts or experiences are highly appreciated.