Author Topic: Hotkeys - Unable to assign Ctrl+PGUP / Ctrl+PGDN  (Read 15647 times)


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Hotkeys - Unable to assign Ctrl+PGUP / Ctrl+PGDN
« on: May 28, 2020, 22:04:33 »
It would be very useful to assign "CTRL + PGUP" and "CTRL + PGDN" to "Previous Tab" and "Next Tab," because this is the same hotkey used to switch tabs in web browsers, like Firefox. Unfortunately, there is a mysterious force preventing this assignment from taking hold. The keyboard customization window returns gives no error when assigning these keystrokes to the custom commands (MC.SetActiveTab PANEL=ACTIVE TAB=NEXT, MC.SetActiveTab PANEL=ACTIVE TAB=PREV). The custom command works perfectly when assigned to Left / Right and other hotkeys. When keying in the keystroke, "CTRL+PGUP," the entry field instead reports "CTRL + NUM 9" - fair enough, I guess, that's also used to switch tabs in browsers - but the column in the upper window reports the keystroke only as "CTRL +", and neither Ctrl+PGUP nor Ctrl+Num9 trigger the command. Upon exiting and re-entering the keyboard customization window, and clicking on the command in the list, it is still reported as "CTRL+NUM 9" in the lower entry field, and still reported as only "Ctrl +" in the upper column display. I have banged my head against the wall repeatedly to no avail.

Considering this is the default keyboard shortcut for navigating tabs within browsers, it would be nice for this to work. I have mapped gamepads that are used interchangeably for both web browsing and in other tabbed file-navigation tools. Hopefully this can be fixed (unless I'm an idiot and have missed something obvious).

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Hotkeys - Unable to assign Ctrl+PGUP / Ctrl+PGDN
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2020, 22:42:07 »
Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab does that. (same as in chrome)

Cltr+Pgup/Dn are connected to another function and can't currently be customized.


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Re: Hotkeys - Unable to assign Ctrl+PGUP / Ctrl+PGDN
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2020, 07:42:41 »
Thank you for the information. What functions are Ctrl+Pgup/dn currently hard-coded to? Because I can't find reference to them in the official documentation, nor the hotkey configuration window (filter/search for settings would be great), I'm speculating that they're tied to something infrequently accessed. Is there an engineering concern that forced you to hard-code them? Despite them being somewhat redundant, as you've pointed out, these key combinations are quite common for switching tabs. Unless they're used ubiquitously for something else in software-at-large that I'm not aware of, it seems like an oversight to permanently bind them to another function. Hopefully the custom keyboard shortcuts gain more flexibility in the future.

For now, feedback from the interface is a concern. In this case, the keyboard customization window simultaneously reporting two different stored key-bindings for a highlighted function in the input field and the list-column is problematic. It should be made obvious what key combinations are hard-coded and off-limits to the user.

Generally, I really like the software. With some small improvements it will replace my current file-manager that I've depended on for years. Multi Commander is half the size and twice as responsive. Thanks for your work and thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Hotkeys - Unable to assign Ctrl+PGUP / Ctrl+PGDN
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2020, 08:21:30 »
ctrl+Pgup / PgDn  will go to next/previous siblings path..   It is the same as going back to parent folder. then move up or down on step.. and then enter that folder.

Also that you see CTRL+NUM9 is becuse when Windows controller does backwords translation. It assumes that, becuse you also got PgUp on NumKey 9
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 08:24:04 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: Hotkeys - Unable to assign Ctrl+PGUP / Ctrl+PGDN
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2020, 07:30:19 »
Thank you very much. Apologies for my late reponse.