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how to call the WINDOWS Terminal?


As multi commander basic features, It can open CMD.exe , but I thought CMD.exe is too ugly. I want to use the newest Modern terminal to cope my work. like windows terminal, but I don't know how to set up to launch it, if I want to use the path of windows terminal.exe to replace the  default setting, seemilly It's not working, and I try to use google to search wether there is a resilution to fix my problem, but I didn't find. So can anyone can help me to reslove this . I will appratiate your help very much.

Stéphane P.:

That is a pure Windows problem and not related at all to Mc. Anyway, have you tried the Microsoft wrapper wt.exe?
For specific folder launch that is quiet not yet possible, see


Got it, Thanks for your reply.

Install conemu, drag it's exe to the upper buttonbar in Mc, it becomes a qucik launch button and you can set it's parameters like -dir "${sourcepath}"
Alternatively you can go to settings in conemu, integration, default term, check Force conemu as default terminal and add multicommander.exe to the list of executables there.


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