Author Topic: Column layout in split panes  (Read 14663 times)


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Column layout in split panes
« on: October 13, 2020, 15:57:36 »

I have my MC page displayed with a split size on a horizontal 50/50 layout as that serves my needs very well.

Why is it that the columns spacing in one or the other of the panes on my display regularly resets itself to some layout that I have never specified.  The behaviour seems to occur in either the left or right hand panes at random, which seems odd.

This does not happen every time that I open MC but, over a few days this spontaneous rearrangement recurs, much to my annoyance.

I have a preferred layout saved and named so that I can reinstate that as needed but this constant resetting is becoming rather annoying.

Is there any way to set and keep a preferred layout?

Now using Win 10.
Used 'em all from DOS 2.0 onwards.


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Re: Column layout in split panes
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2020, 15:23:51 »
I believe that this issue has now been resolved.

What had been happening showed that the column spacing in one or the other pane, (not both at the same time), was changing more or less at random on different days and some days not at all.

I made further checks and found that theConfiguration > Explorer Panel Settings had, for reasons unknown, changed my long term setting for Autosize columns in Sorting and Columns had changed from unchecked to checked.

Once I reversed this and reset to unchecked the issue seems to have disappeared as my preferred settings are now retained.

My initial confusion was due to the randomness of the changes.  I would have expected any "Autosize" option to affect both panes at the same time, especially as the panes were set at the same width, approximately 500 px.

All seems fine now so I'll class the issue as Resolved

Now using Win 10.
Used 'em all from DOS 2.0 onwards.