Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

Word wrap for MultiDataViewer


Hello Matthias.

I have been using MultiCommander for a few months now after working my way through a number of alternatives. (FreeCommander,

One thing that keeps bugging me, and I can't see any mention of it here, is the lack of word wrap in MultiDataViewer.

Am I missing something with regard to configuration? Or is there no word wrap?
If not will you be providing that functionality in a future release.

Also the "Open" button on the MultiDataViewer toolbar. What does it do? I can press it but it appears to have no function.


Mathias (Author):
Wordwarp is something that is on the list to add.

The viewer is a plugin and when it is started from within multicommander the "open" button does nothing. It really should be grayed out.


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