Author Topic: Can't overwrite destination file when copying files to same directory  (Read 13791 times)


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When I copy a file in Multi-Commander to the same directory, and there is already an existing file, then I am unable to overwrite the old file even when I want to.  The filename of the destination file is automatically changed to add "(1)" or some other number after the file.

In this particular case, I have different versions of settings that I want to copy onto (overwrite) the default file, something like the files in this simplified example:


A program reads "settings_default.set" to get its settings.  I want to overwrite the "settings_default.set" with one of the other two settings files, depending on how I want to set up the program.
I position the Multi-Commander cursor to select "settings_for_profile1.set", and then press F5 to copy.  For the destination, instead of copy to the other panel by default, in the Copy/Move dialog I replace the destination with "settings_default.set".
The result I would like is that Multi-Commander replaces "settings_default.set" with a copy of "settings_for_profile1.set", possibly popping up a dialog to confirm file overwrite.
The actual result is that a new file is created, "settings_default.set (1)", without asking for a choice of overwrite, skip, keep if newer etc that shows up most of the time.

It appears that this happens when I am copy a file to another name in the same directory.  When I copy to a different directory, shown in the other panel, Multi-Commander correctly asks me whether I want to overwrite.

This is related to, but not the same as, "Issue with copy to existing file" on this forum at,4339.msg12402.html#msg12402
In that posting, it does not say that the problem appears only when the starting and destination directory are the same.

Thank you for any help you can give. 

Linux at home, Windows at work

Mathias (Author)

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I will check if this is a settings things or something..

Pressing Shift+F5 and you get the copy dialog without path set to target folder.. So easier to edit the name.. but it will not solve the already exist issue.

A working workaround is to use drag and drop..
Drag the file you want to copy and hold Ctrl+Shift while dragging.. and drop on the file to replace.. you will see a popup that will ask what action you want to do. and you can select Copy or Replace.. then the file you dragged will be copyed or moved to the name of the file you dropped on and replace it