Author Topic: Copy Window issues  (Read 4244 times)


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Copy Window issues
« on: November 15, 2023, 14:15:31 »

I am pretty new and I already start to appreciate the tool (13.1 portable), thanks!

One of my main need of such tool is copy/move function, because embedded one in Windows is too poor.

After a day of using it, copying and moving a million of files/folders (not kidding), I have some report:
- maybe an option in the settings or always use long path, it may solve some of the issues I got
- some files were not moved, nothing happened: I guess the file was just not detected by the tool because of the long path (<4096 but definitely higher than 260 chars)
- maybe options in the settings to avoid a question during a very long process can make the copy/move continuing even not in front of the screen, I had such questions:
  * read-only / hidden / system files
  * long path detected and question to retry the copy using long path handle
  * several errors
- there is an option in the settings to ask confirmation when deleting some special files (RO, H, S attributes), I like to have it enabled. But during a move, when deleting the source after the copy, I am asked if I want to delete it. In a case of a move, there is no need to ask. You can have a separate option to handle this but I am afraid it can be confusing for users? Once again, the goal is to avoid a pause during a big move because of the question
- I reached some move errors (59, "incomplete file, delete?", I did not test "no space left" error yet) which cause the move to hang (pause/resume buttons not working, move not continuing). I had no choice to cancel the Windows and restart. I also had a "file path not found" error, maybe a long file path issue.
- As there is a file list, maybe you can keep the file there with the error caused during the move/copy, do not close the copy/move dialog if the list is not empty (so there was an error) and expand it so the user can quickly see some issues happened, correct the issues and retry the copy/move. On my side, I often need to retry because of a no space left issue or the destination/source unavailable for some time. This also prevents the copy/move to stop displaying the error (this also can be an option in the settings to leave such choice to the user, displaying the error immediately or use the file list)
- the copy/move windows is not resizable, it may be useful (or have a popup) to display the full path and name of the source and destination files



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Re: Copy Window issues
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2024, 07:51:21 »
Just a few more informations:
- I experienced an error when moving the copy dialog right away after launching the copy/move and just before getting the confirmation dialog (some kind of unhandled exception)
- I also experienced an error while moving files from a complete Windows profile (I think it was the error 59) from a network share to an external USB disk. It might be some special files. I had to restart 2 or 3 times the move operation to move all the files but I cannot say if the error lost some of the files
Thanks again, I hope this can help on improving the copy part of this product