Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

Select files with the 'Insert' key

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Noob question, but I couldn't find a solution after searching..

How do I assign the Insert key to "select file and move to the next one"? (like in TC, FC..)

Do you mean SHIFT - ARROW UP or DOWN ?

Mathias (Author):
That is the normal commander style setup..
Menu > Configuration > Quick Look'n'Feel Setup

And select Commander Styled Look'n'Feel and it will configure everything for the commander styled setup.

If you Only want to change the 'insert' key then you can change it you self in
Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings

Under Selection and Checking items.
make sure that "Auto uncheck files and folder when single selection" is


--- Quote from: Mathias (Author) on May 18, 2012, 17:59:29 ---If you Only want to change the 'insert' key then you can change it you self in
Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings

Under Selection and Checking items.
make sure that "Auto uncheck files and folder when single selecting" is unchecked

--- End quote ---

That was it, thanks.

--- Quote from: Pepper on May 18, 2012, 17:56:53 ---Do you mean SHIFT - ARROW UP or DOWN ?

--- End quote ---
Similar, but with Insert you can skip some files..

I noticed an inconsistency when using this:

After selecting some files with Insert, the focus will be on the file below them. If I then delete/copy the selection, it will work as intended: The currently focused file below them is not selected and will not get processed (copied/deleted) together with the selected files.

But when selecting them with Insert and then using the context menu, that focused file will get processed with the others (for example: it will get packed together with the others into a 7zip archive).


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