Multi Commander > Beta Releases

Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.

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Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: Ulfhednar on May 13, 2024, 11:36:47 ---Thanks for the reply Mathias.
I was trying to sync a folder & had some matching files; dialog opens asks for input - skip overwrite etc, clicked skip all & it immediately opened the same dialog for every next matching file. I.e. skip all isn't working for me.  Using the portable MC I was able to complete the operations normally.

...& I have just tried a regular copy operation of dissimilar files & MC 3007 CTD'd, error report dialog opened & then also crashed.  ??? :o

I can use the current portable build OK. This seems to be related to this build as it is new behaior since the update. Guess I will try fresh install also.

** managed to get the error dialog to stay up, fault in MultiCommander.exe, report sent.

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Yes as it say in change log for the beta.. Lots of changes around error handling. Problem is that people do not report errors.

You can now defines in advance what overwrite option you want and it will never ask you... if you select skip 'all there'. do that work ?

did it send crash report. any crash id ?

Sorry for the delayed reply Mathias. 
I did see the comment about error handling changes, so far that seems improved in speed & relevance. I should have added the crash ID above but I did send the report in.
I get a crash when trying to browse encrypted archives now, previously I would be asked for the PW - MC doesn't get to that now.  Crash  ID 1914-E114RS

This dialog & selection do not work, skip all = skip.

**whilst typing this a new build has appeared  ;D
Thanks Mathias, skip all working now, .rar with PW not working.

Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: Ulfhednar on May 14, 2024, 18:11:38 ---Sorry for the delayed reply Mathias. 
I did see the comment about error handling changes, so far that seems improved in speed & relevance. I should have added the crash ID above but I did send the report in.
I get a crash when trying to browse encrypted archives now, previously I would be asked for the PW - MC doesn't get to that now.  Crash  ID 1914-E114RS

This dialog & selection do not work, skip all = skip.

**whilst typing this a new build has appeared  ;D
Thanks Mathias, skip all working now, .rar with PW not working.

--- End quote ---

Something special with your rar archive ? for me it ask for pwd once. and then it unpack all files .

Could it be because it is a spanned .rar with pw? 
Error  1914-Y114TW in FSRAR.DLL (report sent)

Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: Ulfhednar on May 14, 2024, 22:53:38 ---Could it be because it is a spanned .rar with pw? 
Error  1914-Y114TW in FSRAR.DLL (report sent)

--- End quote ---
Maybe.. I will check


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