Multi Commander > Feature Requests and Suggestions

"Open file location" for Links Needed for MultiCommander


What does "Show HotPath" (Ctrl+,) do ? I want a feature to Goto the the actual file path of an link (.lnk). Windows Explorer has a function for this ("Open file location") in Right-click menu, but it opens it in Explorer, wish MC had a similar function !! Is there a workaround to add this functionality ? Otherwise thrilled /w the new features & options !  :D
P.S: I would like to add the "Open file location" command to MC's "Custom Context Menu".

MC has a MultiScript function GetWinShortcutTarget(). So the simplest multiscript UDC could look like:

--- Code: ---@var $lnk = GetSourceFocusPath();

@var $path = GetWinShortcutTarget( $lnk );
MC.Explorer.Goto SOURCE="{$path}";

--- End code ---


--- Quote from: Jungle on April 27, 2024, 14:15:38 ---MC has a MultiScript function GetWinShortcutTarget(). So the simplest multiscript UDC could look like:

--- Code: ---@var $lnk = GetSourceFocusPath();

@var $path = GetWinShortcutTarget( $lnk );
MC.Explorer.Goto SOURCE="{$path}";

--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

Thanks a lot, appreciate it !! That works brilliantly ! 8) Using it in "Custom Context Menu" after creating an UDC. I named it "Goto Actual FilePath Link" and used the filter *.lnk to work only on link files.
P.S: It also works on .qalnk files (QuickAdmin UAC-Bypass shortcut files) —that's an added bonus !!
P.P.S: Currently it doesn't work on Microsoft Store Apps shortcuts or DOSBox Games Launcher .lnk shortcuts (takes you to the DOSBox Games Launcher folder —maybe this is not a bug as it permeates through 3 different files when accessed.) Not that this is important, but thought I should let you know.


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