Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

Issue with drag and drop


I use Gdrive to upload the images and then share them with clients.
For some time now, when I drag the files from Multi Commander to Chrome, and the tab with the upload area is not active, I cannot change the tab just by hovering over it.
It did work properly before and works when using Filemanager.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Make sure you have multiple tabs in browser and Gdrive is not active
2) Drag files and hover over the tab to switch - nothing happens.

Any  advice would be appreciated, thank you.

Mathias (Author):
I can drag and drop a file from MC and drop into "file upload" place on a webpage  (Like
If I hover over a tab in chrome. while dragging. the tab is switching.. 

MC have no control of any of that. Sounds like a browser issue.. If you search for drag and drop issue with chrome there are many results.

Sorry  for the late reply.
It happens when there are multiple images, I can drag and drop when I am moving only one.
I understand it might not be  MC issue, of course. I just reported it to see if there is someone else with the same issue.


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