Multi Commander > SDK

question 1


1. how to use ILogger
can write log to mc'log?

2. create id  (mc how to set id)
// nID is the ID of the extensions that it should create. This is
extern "C" /*__declspec(dllexport)*/ PVOID APIENTRY Create( int nID )
  if( nID == 0 )
    MCNS::MCAppExtensionSample* pExtension = new MCNS::MCAppExtensionSample();
    MCNS::IPluginInterface* pInterface = static_cast<MCNS::MCAppExtensionSample*>(pExtension);
    return pInterface;

  if( nID == 1 )
    MCNS::MCFilePropSample* pExtension = new MCNS::MCFilePropSample();
    MCNS::IFileProperties* pInterface = static_cast<MCNS::MCFilePropSample*>(pExtension);
    return pInterface;

  return NULL;

thank your answer

I want  "File CheckSum" add   sm3.. and out  Base64Str.
or can input/paste String ,output sha256 512 sm3..(hex,base64)

Mathias (Author):
Depends on what type of extension..

From the IMultiAppInterface interface.

 // Create new log
 virtual ILogger*  CreateLogger() = 0;

 // Log to existing log
 virtual void LogFmt( UINT nLogID , LogLevel nLevel ,  const char*  strText , ... ) = 0;
 virtual void LogFmt( UINT nLogID , LogLevel nLevel ,  const WCHAR* strText , ... ) = 0;
 virtual void Log( UINT nLogID , LogLevel nLevel ,  const char*  strText ) = 0;
 virtual void Log( UINT nLogID , LogLevel nLevel ,  const WCHAR* strText ) = 0;

--- Code: ---long MCAppExtensionSample::PreStartInit( IMultiAppInterface* pAppInterface )

  pAppInterface->LogFmt(0, LogLevel::_DEBUG_, L"Loading... %s", L"Parameter");

--- End code ---

2) Id is just start from 0 to n , It is so you can have multiple extension in the same dll.
If you only have 1 extension. let it be 0.

ok thank you!


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