Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

How to set Font on Preview Panel and Tooltip for FileTextContent-Tag?..

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Hello there! o)

I'm new here and new to Multi Commander as well, I played with MC for some days.. Now I have some questions, maybe you can help? Thank you in advance! o) I attached a screenshot of a preview tooltip and the preview panel showing the same file content.

Is there a way to set the font used for the FileTextContent-Tag?

In the preview tooltip, the font being used seems to be Tahoma/8, which I set basically everywhere in MC for now, in the preview panel though, the font seems to be "New Courier/10". I am quite ok with "New Courier", but not at size 10, it looks squished! o)

It would be nice if there was a way to set "New Courier/9" for the FileTextContent-Tag, which is being used in both types of previews, is that possible somehow?

Thank you! o)

Mathias (Author):
No currently the font can't be changed there.
The size can be set in the template , but in % .. eg 100%, 90% and so on.

As probably already mentioned in the other thread, setting the font size in the template does not seem to have an effect on the preview panel, it only seems to affect the tooltip.

Here is a screenshot demonstrating what happens, when I set the FontSize to "80", only the text in the tooltip gets smaller.

Thank you! o)

Talking tooltips: Is there a setting to affect the regular tooltip somehow? Especially the position it opens on?
It always opens directly over the filename column, hiding all the filenames below, in contrast to the preview tooltip, which opens at the mouse cursor position.

Here is the preview tooltip position in comparison to the general tooltip. This has more flexible positioning, as it opens at mouse pointer position, which allows to control where it opens, so other filenames and information is not hidden.


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