Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

Proper column sizing in List view

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I know of and use or used the following orthodox file managers and they all know how to display long names, do it well and do it fast, without any problems or manual intervention:

- Total Commander
- Double Commander
- FreeCommanderXE
- EF Commander
- Speed Commander
- Unreal Commander
- Frigate
- ViewFD
- Far Manager
- Necromancer's Dos Navigator

How could practically anybody in the world have found a way to properly do an important task, but MC?

Mathias (Author):
MC do display long file names.. up to over 4000+ characters, Just make sure you have a large monitor to view it

And MC do auto size column it is just turned off.

Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: Jungle on November 05, 2024, 20:16:00 ---What about optional wordwrap, multiline ?

--- End quote ---
For wordwrap to work, dynamic row height need to be supported, and it is not becuse of performance issue.. I would cause a noticeable draw delay when entering a folder with just a couple of 100 files.

I don't know if managed to clearly explain the problem. I will try again.
I'll exemplify with a screenshot of firefox's source code below.
MC panel is set in List view mode.

The archives names in the first column are truncated with the simbol "..." at the end.
Some files with long names have useful info stored in that long name: date, time, uniqueID, software component etc.

When constantly changing directories that host such files, it is annoying to have to do a manual job that the file manager should automatically calculate and do for you.

Also, my monitor is wide enough so that those archives could be displayed in full.

For comparison, I attached a screenshot from Double Commander, in the same List view mode. DC is also free and on top of that open source and displays correctly long file names without users having to manually adjust the Names column.

Another bug in showing files in List view can be seen in the screenshot below.

In d:\Downloads directory I have many files, a few columns of them. You can see the scroll bar from the bottom.
MC does not calculate the number of columns correctly, since the last column is empty and should not exist.


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