Most people expect unpack to end up in same folder. (since it was is happening by default in Windows explorer.)
This might be true to Windows Explorer, which does not have the other half, which the user can use for convenience.
MC is an orthodox file manager, meaning it has a dual panel interface. This is a very good idea, and all the operations and the default settings should be implemented considering this aspect. I am sure the other type of file managers, the Windows Explorer-like ones, also do things their way.
MC should not copy file managers from a different category.
But you can press the Target button and the entire path is change to the location of the Target panel.
and if you press the checkbox.. the default is change to always use the target panel location.
I know, but this does not help in any way with the creation of a directory for a single archive unpack.
So my question still stands: I have an archive in panel A. I want to decompress it in panel B (that's why panel B is there - for convenience). My archive does not contain a top level directory so I want MC to create it for me, naming it like the archive. All in a single operation. How can I do that in MC?