Multi Commander > Support and Feedback
Problems with configuring selection behavior
Hi Mathias,
In Explorer Panel Settings > Display, I unchecked "Select and Unselect when navigating over files and folders".
Then, in > Mouse configurations, I set "Left Click" to "Open folder", "Right click" to "Toggle Selection" and Right "Click and hold" to "Shell context menu".
It is really nice that one can - in theory - adjust the mouse buttons behavior in such detail. However, when I now right click on files or folders, it sometimes selects them and sometimes not. The behavior is not reliable. Do you have any suggestions how to fix it?
Many thanks in advance, regards, m.
Mathias (Author):
might be some other settings that collide.. But that sounds almost like commander styled setup
With commander styled setup you have toggle on right button and context on right hold and right dkl click.
So in change to Commander styled setup in quick look'n'Feel setup.. and then tweak it from there.
good idea, thank you.
Ok, I think I kind of figured out the isseu:
"Toggle selection" in Explorer Panel Settings > Mouse configurations is something else than / some additional behavior to the usual way of how items are selected.
It seems that the usual way of selecting items with the left mouse button cannot be changed (other than being deactivated completely)?
Under Explorer Panel Settings > Display > Selection and Checking of items I have some options that will influence selection behavior, but all these options will only affect the left mouse button. Is this correct?
regards, m.
EDIT: Maybe these options do affect both buttons and both buttons can actually select items. This is a bit confusing for me. But I hope.
EDIT2: It would be nice if I could deactivate all selection behavior for the left mouse button but keep it on the right mouse button.
Mathias (Author):
Toggle selection is something used for commander styled setup. where you toggle selection on right mouse button.
It is possible to configure it to be similar to Windows Explorer. but not completely.. Since having it work in Commander Style setup is first priority.
For Windows Explorer like setup
Both Selection option under "Selection methods" should be on, and Muse option for toggle selection should NOT be used for click.
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