Multi Commander > Feature Requests and Suggestions

Cannot uncompress from zip directly to MTP device

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Mathias (Author):
Using F5 it shows the dialog.. Drag and drop do not show it because it gets in using another way..

I am making another attempt here to clarify things. And bring objective proof to sustain my bug report.
In the video, in the left I have the phone, in the right I have the archive.
I am making 4 attempts to copy one file from the archive to the phone.
The first 2 are started by key F5. The last 2 are by dragging.
As you can see, from the user's perspective they are absolutely identical, because they produce identical results. One of them being that MC does not show the dialog saying it not possible to do that copy. And the other being that the operation fails.
Now, it would be much preferable to fix this by uncompressing into %temp% and copy from there to phone.
I mean much preferable to just showing a dialog that it is not possible. :D

Mathias (Author):
That I can't reproduce. I can only reproduce it using Drag and drop.
Might be fixed so dialog is shown. Fixing to uncompress to temp in the future some day. That is directly a quick fix. It require a lot of work and I got other thing in the pipe before that. and Time I get to work on MC is also limited.

Ok, thanks. It's good to know it is on your todo list.

Mathias (Author):
Think I found issue. Should report correct error now in all situation.

Temp copy to local is coming.. ( I need for some other situations too. but it will not come in the next release.. maybe next after..)


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