Yes the idea was to scan subfolders; zip specifically named folders; delete those source zipped folders, leaving the 7z in their place & log operations.
a &
b were just placeholders for my test before giving it actual pathing)
I was thinking of adding a
StrIsRegExpMatchNoCase or similar to delete redundant files recursively. Basically a tidy up operation on a number of subfolders.
I got this, but the
DeleteFiles instruction hangs the debugger & MC with a deletion dialog, tried with & without {}s on the last instruction. Also tried SILENT to no effect

Am I missing sth or is this a bug?
@var $currentPath = GetSourcePath();
@var $Items = GetSourceItems();
@var $count = arrayCount($Items);
@var $curItem;
@var $fullFilename;
@var $array2[];
// Loop all items in the $Items array
for( $n = 0; $n < $count; $n++)
$curItem = $Items[$n];
$fullFilename = $currentPath ^ $curItem;
@var $isMatch = StrIsRegExpMatchNoCase($fullFilename, "[a-z0-9]{30}");
arrayAdd($array2, $curItem);
@var $options[] = {"NODIALOG"};
DeleteFiles($array2, $options);
Thanks in advance for looking at this