portable mode: read it from dialog, to be sure

About xml config files: I have them on two places : <mc install dir>\Config and <mc install dir>\SessionConfig\Config.
Latest ones are in the former, but latter also has a multicommander.ini very fresh, so am not sure which one is really used. I attach those in former.
FYI, here is my folder tree in MC:
│ ├───CfgProfiles
│ ├───Extensions
│ │ └───MultiFileViewer
│ ├───Presets
│ │ └───zFileManager
│ ├───Scripts
│ └───TOTD
│ ├───FS7Zip
│ ├───FSFTP
│ ├───FSRAR
│ ├───FSRegistry
│ ├───MCAudioTools
│ ├───MCLanEditor
│ ├───MCPictureTools
│ ├───MCSpecial
│ ├───MCUtils
│ ├───MCVideoTools
│ ├───MFTools
│ └───MultiFileViewer
│ ├───Config
│ │ └───Extensions
│ │ └───MultiFileViewer
│ ├───History
│ ├───Logs
│ └───Misc
├───Multi Rename
│ └───Undo
└───Video Tools
PS: xml files could not be uploaded (filtered by forum). I should have zipped them.