Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

custom date display


I want to display the dates as mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm AM/PM, is there a way to do this?i've looked into options i know in the settings but none matched this

Explorer panel Settings > Date / Time Format > Use custom date and time format
Not sure about AM/PM strings

Mathias (Author):
time format

--- Code: ---"hh:mm tt"
--- End code ---
will show 12hour clock with am/pm

It will get the am/pm from regional and language setting under the control panel on the computer, If you run on a computer that is set for 24H clock the am/pm field are often blank so then you need to add then.

Time Format

thanks!i saw this many times but i didn't think that it's modifiable!!not until now!i tried double clicking and it worked!just what i was asking for!!


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