Support and Feedback / Re: Multicommander hangs on the splash screen
« on: August 15, 2024, 07:00:52 »
There's a file MultiCommander.xml in the config folder (I use portable version, so it is in the .\Config subfolder, for installable version it should probably be somewhere in the user profile). I configured logging to Full/Debug and that's how <log> section of that file looks:
Code: [Select]
<level value="2"/>
<save value="1"/>
<level value="1"/>
<save value="1"/>
<copy value="1"/>
<move value="1"/>
<delete value="1"/>
<rename value="1"/>
<mkdir value="1"/>
<extended value="1"/>
<show value="1"/>
<level value="1"/>
<extendedscanlog value="1"/>
<save value="1"/>
<font FontName="Courier New" SizePT="9" Style="" SizePt="0"/>
<color background="$COLOR_WINDOW" foreground="$COLOR_WINDOWTEXT"/>