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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Script / Start a Search Automatically
« on: August 23, 2011, 18:37:00 »
Custom command that will do a start a search for a predefined set of parameters.

Command Type : Custom Command

MC.FileSearch.Search SEARCHIN="${sourcepath}" SEARCHFOR="*.txt *.xml" CONTENT="MultiCommander" EXCLUDE=".svn" AUTOSTART

It will start a new search, It will search for the files in the current source path.
Search for all *.txt and *.xml files.

The files should have the content "MultiCommander" in them.

Exclude all folders named ".svn" , Do not scan that folder any any subfolder

HIDE - Hide the search criteria dialog.

AUTOSTART - Start the search immediately

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: default-drives bar ?
« on: August 23, 2011, 08:59:42 »
At the moment that is not possible.

It is however on the todo list and might be included in the next version

Beta Releases / Beta Build 820
« on: August 21, 2011, 16:04:03 »
Mostly bugs and stability fixes since last beta
  • When copying files and files already exists. The "Replace all older" option now works.
  • Files dropped on a button will now have quotes around them.
  • Fixed a couple of High DPI related problems.The main GUI should now be drawn correctly if run under High DPI mode.
  • Devices where it is not possible to get free/available space will now no longer show any free space information.
  • Constant string now works with CustomCommands called from MultiScripts. (eg MC.Explorer.Goto Path="c:\bin" )
  • Crash problem if multiple instances of the Language editor was opened.
  • Multi selected problem when running Windows Explorer mode.
  • Path field, Freespace field, status field, all in the explorer panel, Will now resize according to the selected font size.
  • 65+ Internal changes and fixes since v1.1.1 build 800.

Go here to vote for what major feature to include in next version of Multi Commander,277.0.html

The planing for what the next major feature to include has started. Listed are a some of the major features that are planed for the future. (This is not all, There is also a secret list. Do not want to revel everything that is planed).

We all have different needs. So what of the following features would YOU like to see be included into Multi Commander.

Only feature that require major work are listed here. A lot of minor feature are planed, but they are not listed here.

Any feature that you would like to see that are not listed here ? Then post comment about it. And I might put it up there.

  • Large Icon Support - Able to large file icons ( 32x32 , 48x48 , ... )
  • Thumbnail mode - Show thumbnails of images and files when listing files.
  • List Mode - When listing files, Show only the file name, With multiple entries per row.
  • Internal Picture Viewer - Internal viewer that can show jpg, png and other common formats.
  • MultiRename Tool - Able to rename multiple files/folders using advanced substitution filters and rules, and using file properties.
  • Better Search - Better search GUI and Abel to use file properties from extensions in search, like image size, mp3 genre, and more.
  • Better Overwrite Dialog - When copying a file that already exists on target. Show a better "overwrite file" dialog. that highlight the differences of the files better.
  • File Association - Override file association. Able to configure custom open commands for file type.
                       If a file is launched from Multi Commander, then file associations in multi commander will override they one defined by Windows. This is useful when running in portable mode. (USB)
  • Synchronize Folder Content - Tool for synchronize folders content. that will copy all the changes from two location making sure are the same.
  • Tagging - Able to tag file and folders. Then select all files/folder that has a special tag.
  • Modify/Load/Save File Operation Queue - Rearrange and remove items from the copy/move queue. Save/load queue - Abort file copy and save queue so it can be resumed at a later time

Vote for the top 3 you would like.

No guarantee that the winning items will be included. It also depends on how much work they require to implement

If you have wises for how some of the listed feature should work or sub-features that they should included. Fell free to leave a comment.


The problem is that the "Save To File" should not be enabled if there is no selection.

If you select some text and do it, it will work.

The "Save As", combobox is missing items.

I will fix those issues..  Thanks for reporting them.

Support and Feedback / Re: Can you hide some of the buttons?
« on: August 16, 2011, 17:58:05 »
With Ctrl+B you can hide/show the entire button panel.

If you want to change how many button (rows and columns) the button panel should show need to edit the configuration for that manually.

Menu > Help > Go to > Config Folder

Select "MultiButtons.xml"

Select Menu > Tools > Text Conversion > To Windows Format (CRLF)

Then edit the MultiButtons.xml file.

the second line in that file contains the rows and cols. change them
Code: [Select]
<buttonpanel id="1" rows="4" cols="8">

You can change that to 1 or 2 rows if you want to have less buttons.

Support and Feedback / Re: DRAG COPY
« on: August 16, 2011, 17:51:17 »
If you are dragging a file on the same harddrive. Then The default behavior is Move. if source and destination drives are different then it is Copy.
You can toggle the method by holding the SHIFT key. (The mouse cursor will change. a
  • sign is show for copy.)

You can also drag and drop using the right mouse button. You then get a popup menu when you drop the file where you can select copy or move.
(If you are running CommanderStyled settings, you need to active this in the Explorer Panel Settings under mouse configuration)

Support and Feedback / Re: Does this program sort thru photo files?
« on: August 16, 2011, 15:56:19 »
Multi Commander is not optimized for working with photos.

You can however show the meta data from photos as columns,
and there are tools for renaming multiple files.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Thumbnails
« on: August 16, 2011, 15:27:03 »
Multi Commander does not yet support thumbnail view. It is however very high up on the "Todo" list.

Beta Releases / Beta Build 814
« on: August 14, 2011, 12:03:27 »
Only minor fixes and additions has been added since last beta.
  • Full path will now be shown as a tooltip when hovering over a tab
  • Starting MultiCommander.exe -F=startup.ini, you can now defined multiple paths to be shown at startup.
  • File editor now support ${mcinstallpath} tag. So relative paths for the editor can now be entered.
  • 5 new MultiTags.
  • Fixed crash that happen if file search tab was closed shortly after a search was finished.
  • Device dropdown list lost some items if a USB device was removed.
  • User Commands how support single quote around commands. (See doc on Multi-Tags)
  • Fixed problem that quotes around filename when edit a file was lost in some situation.
  • 45+ Internal changes and fixes since v1.1.1 build 800.

Support and Feedback / Re: Relative paths
« on: August 14, 2011, 11:33:52 »
From build 814 it is now possible to specify the ${mcinstallpath} tag in the editor filepath field.

So "${mcinstallpath}\..\MyEditor\Editor.exe" Will now work. Even when running from USB.

Support and Feedback / Re: GVim as default editor
« on: August 14, 2011, 11:31:19 »
This is now fixed in build 814

From build 808 this should now be possible

From build 814 the full path should be shown when hovering over a tab.

From build 814, it is now possible to write

MultiCommander.exe -F=startup.ini

Code: [Select]





Path and Side are required

Extra optional parameters are
Code: [Select]

Thats because there is no update yet. But there will be soon

The latest beta already have them

How To Get Beta

This is actually already on the list, but I kind of forgot about it. I will move it up. should be an easy thing to add.

That sounds like a good idea. I will add this to the list.

Maybe it is possible to make. Right now it will go to what ever you type.  if you type "MyFFF" it would find MyFFFile.txt for example. it might not be possible if it would move to next file if same letter are pressed.  It might be possible to tweak this a bit. I will give it more thought, and see what I can do

Support and Feedback / Re: GVim as default editor
« on: August 06, 2011, 14:15:29 »
It should keep the " if you enter that in the Editor configuration

Have checked the code and there is a bug. I will fix that for the next release.

Beta Releases / Beta Build 808
« on: August 03, 2011, 13:49:27 »
Mostly stability fixes for rare problem that have been reported from crash reports.

Also some minor new improvments
  • Menu bar can now be hidden. And then shown when user presses Alt key. (Like in IE9)
  • Device toolbar now also shows USB/Removable devices.
  • Multi Commander no longer locks the folder it is showing. So it is now possible to delete the folder you are currently showing from another program.
  • 11 new MultiScript function for getting selected/focus items from target/source view
  • 4 new MultiTags that will expand to the item in focus for source/target item. with fullpath or just name.
  • When creating checksums MD5/CRC32/SHA1. It is now possible to copy the calculated checksum to the clipboard using context menu on the item.
  • 30+ Internal changes and fixes since v1.1.1 build 800.

Support and Feedback / Re: making multi commander default
« on: August 03, 2011, 08:25:22 »
You can not replace it as the default shell in window. If you did that all your desktop icons will go away, and some of the feature in Multi Commander depends on Windows Explorer.

It might be possible top tweak Windows Explorer so that when clicking on my computer or folder. Mulit Commander would open.
But I don't know exactly how to do this. It has something to do with changing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder in the registry.
You can try google for that, But I do not recommend messing around in the registry like that, unless you really know what you doing. If you do decided to change things there. Make a backup first.

Support and Feedback / Re: Relative paths
« on: August 02, 2011, 20:16:51 »
No there is no constant for that.. I might add some for the next release.

You can try to edit the config file manuall.

"Menu > Go to > config folder" and  then edit MultiCommander.xml

The find the editors tag and change that


    <editor name="Notepad2" cmd="..\n2\notepad2.exe" parameters="${filepath}" ext="*"/>

I got it working with notepad2

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