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Messages - bicyclops

Pages: [1]
That doesn't do it.

It is set to "Do not follow link (Recommended)" and it still calculates size for links.

I reverted to version 14.1 - that works correctly.
14.2 does not.

14.1 - Folder size of directory symbolic links and junctions always shown as 0
14.2 - Now folder size shows the size of the target folder

This is propagated upward, so that the size of a folder containing links includes the size of the targets of the links, so the the folder may appear to hold much more data than it actually does. And so on upward such that the physical drive may appear to hold more than its actual capacity. This is a problem for me, at least.

I'm guessing that this was an unintended side effect of this change:

  FIXED - Getting folder size works for OneDrive folder again

Is it possible to have OneDrive folders show the correct size, but show junctions and symlinks as 0 as in 14.1?
Or add an option to turn the new behavior off?


OK - Working now!
I had all attributes set to (blank) except Junction
That adds
Attributes Has Not ARHSDLCE3
to the rules.
When I set all other attributes to OFF (black square), the second rule is gone and it works.

So something about that ARHSDLCE3 rule changed behavior from 11.6 to 12.0

Anyway, thanks!

Updated to 12.1
Newly created rules (except for Junctions & Symlinks) now do get applied on exit of File Coloring Rules Editor.

Rules for Junctions and Symlinks still not applied.

Sorry. Video should be public now.
Will try 12.1

You will find that changes getting applied after reboot MC...
My color rules for junctions and symlinks are not applied after restarting MC.
They worked in 11.6 but don't work in 12.0
Occasionally in 11.6 they would not be applied on initial display of a folder, but a refresh would fix it.

Problem reproduced on 2 systems upgraded form 11.6 to 12.0
Also tried on new install of 12.0 on system which had not had MC installed before. Added new rule to color symlinks and/or junctions. Exit MC and restarted. Color rule is not applied.

Fixed in 12.0

Any change to default coloring rules doesn't get applied or saved.

Some changes made to color rules in previous versions are applied in 12.0.
But new rules added in previous versions are shown but not applied in 12.0

For example, I changed the color for Archives and turned off the color for executables in version 11.6. Those changes are applied in version 12.0 but cannot be changed.

However I added new color rules for folder junctions and symlinks in version 11.6. Those rules are shown in the File Coloring Rules Editor in v 12.0 but are not being applied.

Have Compare Folders - Advanced - Profiles pulldown remember the option chosen last time so that you don't have to set it every time

The scenario:
D:\source is a folder containing some files
D:\target is a folder on the same drive
E:\link is a symbolic link or folder junction whose target is D:\target

Set left pane to view D:\
Set right pane to view E:\link\
Select source in left pane
Move (F6 or Move Selected Files)
source folder is created in D:\target but none of the files in source are moved
D:\source\ still exists and contains the same files as in the beginning
D:\target\source is empty

Works correctly if Copy is used instead of Move
Works correctly if link is on the same drive as source
Works correctly if target is on different drive from source
Works correctly if you move files rather than folders

I frequently use Compare Folders - Advanced - Profile: Identical (By Content)

This requires three steps:
1. Open Compare Folders - Advanced
2. Select Identical (By Content) in the Profiles pulldown
3. Click Compare and Select

Is there a quicker way? I would greatly appreciate it.

Would it be possible to add any of these:
1. Add Compare folders, Select Identical by Content to Edit menu
2. Add to Keyboard Customizations commands, so a hotkey can be defined
3. Ability to set and save default Profile for Compare Folders - Advanced dialog
4. Make command available for scripting so button could be assigned for this


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