Support and Feedback / Re: Proper column sizing in List view
« Last post by ThomasMcA on Today at 19:17:52 »I Googled this MC issue because I have the same concern. MC is great, and I'm thiiiiis close to making it be my full-time file manager. And I will make a donation when I make that decision.
But there are 2 MC features that bug me. One is the column widths. I think a compromise would be to handle column widths like FreeCommander does them. It lets the columns extend off the screen, and gives a side-to-side slider to view the hidden columns on the right. In FC, I can navigate to any folder, and the size, type and date columns are never cropped, only the name is cropped.
My other issue is position-to within a file listing. In Windows Explorer and other file managers, you can click once in the file listing to set the focus, then start typing, and the focus changes to the first file that starts with that letter. And if you press Enter after pressing F or G or CH or whatever, the focused file gets launched. In MC, a little popup appears showing my typed text, but it doesn't change the focus.
But there are 2 MC features that bug me. One is the column widths. I think a compromise would be to handle column widths like FreeCommander does them. It lets the columns extend off the screen, and gives a side-to-side slider to view the hidden columns on the right. In FC, I can navigate to any folder, and the size, type and date columns are never cropped, only the name is cropped.
My other issue is position-to within a file listing. In Windows Explorer and other file managers, you can click once in the file listing to set the focus, then start typing, and the focus changes to the first file that starts with that letter. And if you press Enter after pressing F or G or CH or whatever, the focused file gets launched. In MC, a little popup appears showing my typed text, but it doesn't change the focus.