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Topics - Matthias515566

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My system refused to start because of a corrupt C:\Windows\System32\System (Most reason when a Windows system dont start anymore after Repair) and i attempted on a running system with MC (i dislike the command line...) to copy the windows made backup from C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\ to make the system running again. But MC was unable to open this folders. Then i started MC as administrator and it was possible to replace the corrupt System-File (a file without extension). Thats the history.

MC have a problem with Daylight-Savings when started as administrator. Therefore is the Administrator-Mode better than starting as Administrator. And MC is not everytime able to turn the administrator mode on if needed. When moving shortcuts on startmenu go MC correctly on administrator mode, but when trying to open special protected folders like C:\Windows\System32\config\ it don't work.

Therefore please give us a Custom Command like MC.AdminMode.
The Admin.Mode should go off when press this button again...

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Fully support of Relative Paths
« on: September 25, 2016, 16:47:10 »
I need very important a fully support of Relative Paths like %Userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\.
This i need für using the portable version on multiple systems. Then always this %Userprofile%-Paths dont work anymore because the username is not the same like my.

Script / ${sourcefocusname}
« on: June 15, 2016, 19:56:05 »
Hello, i need this Multitag without extension like .txt, just the filename without extension.

When i start a PDF from Multicommander and with Adobe Reader, and watch it in Full screen View (Ctrl+L) and end the Full Screen View also with Ctrl+L, then is the MultiCommander on Screen and not the normal View of Adobe Reader. I have no Idea why. But this bug should be fixed.  I guess it have to do with how Multicommander open Programs.

When using the 64 Bit Edition in multiple Instances, are there alot of problems with the dllhost.exe and it will slow down the whole Computer after some hours. The Menu of all programs will be slower, and the longer the computer will not be restartet the slower run it. Also Loading of Tab-layouts need then alot more time (ca. 1Tab/s). This is not because of the CPU Usage, it run also slow when 95% of cpu are free available.

I thought then i use in future just one instance, but its not really what i need and today i was testing the 32 bit edition.

The 32 bit Edition do not use the dllhost.exe and i created a batch File to start 10 Instances of MC32 Bit and it works very well and the computer go fast like fresh restartet also after hours of use.

Batch File to start multiple instances (Example)

Create some User defined Commands for loading Tab-Layouts:
Code: [Select]
MC.LoadTabs FILENAME="${mcconfigpath}\Layouts\Arbeitsplattform.mctab" REPLACE
MC.LoadTabs FILENAME="${mcconfigpath}\Layouts\Dokumente.mctab" REPLACE
MC.LoadTabs FILENAME="${mcconfigpath}\Layouts\Downloads.mctab" REPLACE
MC.LoadTabs FILENAME="${mcconfigpath}\Layouts\Internetseiten.mctab" REPLACE

Create a new Text File with Notepad2
Code: [Select]
Start "Arbeitsplattform" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MultiCommander\MultiCommander.exe" -AutoRun="Arbeitsplattform" -T="Arbeitsplattform"
Start "Dokumente" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MultiCommander\MultiCommander.exe" -AutoRun="Dokumente" -T="Dokumente"
Start "Downloads" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MultiCommander\MultiCommander.exe" -AutoRun="Downloads" -T="Downloads"
Start "Internetseiten" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MultiCommander\MultiCommander.exe" -AutoRun="Internetseiten" -T="Internetseiten"
Change the Encoding of that file to "Western European (DOS-850)"
Save the file as YourMCstartname.bat
Use this File to start multiple instances of MC with one click.

The quick-Filter should add quotation marks automatically to every searchword and using a semicolon as delimiter when using more than one searchwords for multiple filtering.

And it shoulf be another namefilter added which can use a List as Filter Criterion. The delimiter is then just a line break.
Here a example of a namefilter. The source of such searchwords is most time a Excel table.


This searchwords in this list can contain spaces. This mean, also here should the quotation marks automatically added. The number of searchwords should be infinitely.

I have found a program (BC) which contain such a filter in April 2016. But it was my idea, i posted it long time ago on the freecommander forum. :)

Moving should be so smooth like in xnview.

Pictures have inbedded thumbnails, when using this, the thumbnails are faster loaded.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Database for Thumbnails
« on: April 17, 2016, 12:19:41 »
Database for Thumbnails is needed to save thumbnails forever and wen next time watching this folder are the thumbnails very fast loaded.

When is this Feature no longer experimental? When to much Files in Folder and subfolders, MC freeze. Very important is this feature for me. I need it for moving Files from digital camera and alot more like find newest files or moving files from alot subfolders to one folder. Always if i need this feature i must use other software.

Support and Feedback / Multiple Instances and the dllhost.exe
« on: April 17, 2016, 12:06:30 »
Starting multiple instances cause dllhost.exe useing alot of CPU-time. Why is the dllhost.exe needed?

I have a AMD Fusion A6-6310, and yesterday i made a driver update to 16.15.2211-160321a-301026C, and the loading of tabs are now very fast and was slow before. Thats unbelieveable.

The driver for this machine was always a little bit faulty, my first version caused sometomes system crashes. But never i have seen that a graphic dricer update make a desktop-program faster or slower. I guess there was some other bugs.

Script / New Tab on Target Panel with File/Folder Focus Path
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:47:59 »
New Tab on Target Panel with File/Folder Focus Path
Code: [Select]
MC.Explorer.NewBrowser PATH="${focusfilepath}" SIDE=TARGET
Show the Focus File/Folder Path on Target Panel
Code: [Select]
MC.Explorer.Goto TARGET="${focusfilepath}"

Support and Feedback / How to move config to portable version?
« on: April 03, 2016, 23:06:12 »
I made my config in integrated Version and when i now use the config in the portable version, will the portable version be changed into a integrated version. This keep me tonight from sleeping.

Support and Feedback / some bugs found
« on: April 03, 2016, 18:23:05 »
  • When moving the active Tab to other side wth the Key: "Move Tab - Move active panel to other side", the Tab-Key for changing Panel doesn´t work anymore.
  • When using: "View - Full pane width", colums won´t be reconfigurated automatically after disabling.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Empty Space at the Bottom?
« on: April 02, 2016, 11:52:36 »
Please remove the empty space at bottom. I have a 16:9 Display and want use the full space.
Or is this space needed for something i dont know yet? Why is it not possible to place a toolbar at this space?
See also:,1361.msg4827.html#msg4827

User Contributed Content / Open focus file
« on: April 02, 2016, 11:30:06 »
Code: [Select]
MC.Run CMD="${focusfilepath}" SHELL
This is only a little thing and needed for opening just the file on focus while other files marked. This is needed when making a bigger marking-project.
maybe it can a part of default setup.

Hello, to start external Programs, i need A Parameter for the Folderpath of Right panel and Left Panel. This make it possible to start a Program with the right folder. I need this for example to start the TC and use the synchronisation-Tool of it. In FC is this possible und i use it there. But FC.... is to slow.

Big MTP (WPD:\) Probems:

- Moving files will be always only copying files
- The Mobile Device won´t be actualized until MC is restarted, you can press the actualize button without any effect.
- Sometimes it show the folders of the mobile device while the mobile device is alredy unplugged.
- Often the job fail with a error message

TC have also problems with MTP (WPD:\)

Support and Feedback / Multirename by date works not properly
« on: March 27, 2016, 18:58:51 »
Multirename by modified date give a date in wrong format out. A doublepoint : cant be in a filename. Filenames will be sorted by text, therefore have a date in a filename to be in wrong order with the year at front and the second at last (Example: "|Y]-|M]-|D] |h]-|m]-|s]"

The Core-Date works not and the main date "|Y]-|M]-|D] |h]-|m]-|s]" is using a wrong date which is not useable. It seem its the creation date. The creation date is often not useable because its changed after copy from a mobile device. Renaming by exif have i not tested yet, but i can say, the exif date have also to be in a wrong order like |Y]-|M]-|D] |h]-|m]-|s].

Best regards and keep he good work and make the best commander of all.

At Time is only comparing folders possible and files in subfolders are ignored. A synchronizing- tool like in TC is essential for MC.

Keyboard shortcut for MultiRename is impossible to create. Please make CTRL+M. Hiding menu bar per Keyboard is unneccesary.

I have not really a good tool for multichanging the dpi value of pictures. exif-Tool should be integrated directly in MC.

I need ca. 4  Instances of a commander for my dayly work. MC do show only MC-Version and Name in the Titlebar. This information i can find under Help-menu and do not need on windows title bar. I need this for better changing between instances over the windows taskbar. BTW i removed with a tool the uneccesary taskbar preview thumbnails and can therefore see a good list of opened  instances also on windws 7 8 10 x64.

Used Version: 5.9:9 (Build 2119) X64

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