Support and Feedback / Re: Unpack files function
« Last post by ags on Yesterday at 17:57:38 »It works, yes
But there is a complicated, unintuitive path: after checking "Use target path as default location", the user has to unpack the archive in the current directory, not in the other side, because MC does not immediately change the path in "Unpack archives" dialog when the option is checked. The dialog also has to close for MC to save the option.
The next time the dialog is opened, the check mark will be set on "Use target path as default location" and the path from the other side will be filled in the "Unpack to" field.
To avoid all this, and provide the user with an important visual cue that the option"Use target path as default location" actually does something, can you please make MC automatically set the correct path in the field "Unpack to", at the event created when "Use target path as default location" gets checked?
But there is a complicated, unintuitive path: after checking "Use target path as default location", the user has to unpack the archive in the current directory, not in the other side, because MC does not immediately change the path in "Unpack archives" dialog when the option is checked. The dialog also has to close for MC to save the option.
The next time the dialog is opened, the check mark will be set on "Use target path as default location" and the path from the other side will be filled in the "Unpack to" field.
To avoid all this, and provide the user with an important visual cue that the option"Use target path as default location" actually does something, can you please make MC automatically set the correct path in the field "Unpack to", at the event created when "Use target path as default location" gets checked?