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Support and Feedback / Re: Crashed when moving files on the same panel
« Last post by killo on April 22, 2024, 11:34:20 »
Last crash report.

working in the right panel i see i haven't a file, the i goes gown one directory, the select ther , goes into thi new directory, copy a file (CVInfo.txt) using "CTRL+C", return to my original directory and copy with "CTRL-V", the the program hangs and after 3 o 4 seconds the MC closed a reopen.

A 15 seconds later opens a windows indicating the there was an error.


Here you have attached the error logs
Thanks, your idea with the icon could be the rootcause: Initially I only see for some exe-files "white empty" rectangle, a placeholder for the icon(?) and then after some time I see the icons
Support and Feedback / Re: Crashed when moving files on the same panel
« Last post by killo on April 21, 2024, 10:45:03 »
I don't know what you mean for special, for me it's quiet normal.

All the "copy" and "moves" are between normal nvme,ssd,hhd local drives.

When i do the operation ( move or copy ) the program don't seem to make nothing, i mean it's like the program hangs. Then the program close itself, start again and after a while create the report without ID.

If you want i could create a msinfo32 export file for you if you want to check my PC.
Hmm strange
Do you have some none standard columns enabled.. so it need to read the files to show the data for them ?
Attribute column should not cause it to download them, but if you for example have a column showing Image Size. or similar that needs to read the file content to show the data. then it might happen.

Hmm Only exe  hmm Maybe it is when it gets icon for exe file. But there should be check in that the file is a placeholder and not load it then. Hmm I will check..
Hi Mathias,
let's try (and thanks for your fast response):

- I open mc with 2 panels & trees
- Left Panel: C:\temp
- Right Panel: OneDrive\Downloads

- >Right Panel: I click in the tree on folder "Tools"    (OneDrive\Downloads\Tools)

There is a kind of lack of response time, showing all the files with theirs attributes (perhaps this is the rootcause, accessing all the files to get some information about them)

and now the notification appears: "Automatic download of Multi Commander"-> Cancel or Block the Application

Note: I haven't clicked on any item of the Tools-Folder, only clicked on the folder of the tree (right panel)

-> It's reproducible on 2 laptops: One with Windows 10 and the other with Windows 11

Make this sense for you? 

Perhaps the initial folder change triggers a scan of all files and this triggers a download of them

---Thanks for your support"!

P.S. Just verified once more: it seems only "exe" files will be downloaded, "html","Msi","zip" are still not avaiable on my harddisc, only in the cloud
Im not able to recreate that. If I access a file from onedrive folder that is a only a placeholder folder (fake file that is not synced to local) then Windows will download that file and MC can then access it. That file and not all others.
I have not seen that ALL files is getting download if you only try to access one of them.  I'm not able to recreate that scenario.

Can you create a step by step description on how to trigger it ?

Hi all,
perhaps anybody can help me:
- I'm using One Drive a lot for backup scenarios
- Many folders are in sync with my local hard drive, but the files are only "visible" without being available , there are still in the cloud 
- ( folder option: free used storage)
  -> Only the cloud icon is shown in the MS file explorer ( if you download the file, you will see a green checkmark icon)
- If I now want to move some files into this cloud folder, MultiCommander is trying to download "all the files from the cloud". I'll get a message from Windows: "An App is downloading a file, do you want to cancel "this" file download or block the App.
- So, I have to cancel all file downloads manually or block the App
- But if I block the APP I can't unblock multi commander again. It wont be in the list of the corresponding Windows Setting Screen.
- If I want to open any of these file in the cloud, it won't work anymore. I have to deinstall mc completely and install it again.

So, my question is: Is it possible to stop multi commander to download "all" file in a One Drive folder?
Using Windows File Explorer if I click on a file (which hasn't been downloaded already) to open it, the file will be download first automatically.

A lot of text :-(  Hope it's clear what my problem is.

I want to use multicommander with my One Drive folders, I don't want to download all the files in a folder only by opening this folder in multi commander.

Thanks a lot for all your help/advices.

Oh I see, thanks for clearing that up.  :)
Bug #1
When using 64x64 Thumbnail Mode, the 'Right-Click Menu Keyboard Key' (I have that as a special key on my Dell keyboard next to the Function Key (it's a laptop)) doesn't open the Right-Click Menu sometimes. On 96x96 Thumbnail Mode it's functional & works always in Detailed List Mode though :D . If you could fix this in a future update that'd be great !
P.S: I was able to pinpoint+replicate the issue:: It happens when the caret is on the first item 'Move To Upper (Empty Arrow) Directory' thumbnail, if you move the caret to an actual File\ Folder & then switch between Tabs, the Right-Click Menu appears ! So there's a prob /w the caret being on the first item 'Move To Upper (Empty Arrow) Directory' box initially. If you want a screenshot to demonstrate I can do so …  ;D
P.P.S: It works sometimes, doesn't work other times !  :'(
<~~ Nvm I fixed this by checking 'Show Context Menu on '..' Item" !!

Bug #2
I don't see the 'Keyboard Customization' hotkey for 'Switching Tabs': that is, I don't see the Ctrl+Tab and the Ctrl+Shift+Tab for moving backwards and forwards between Tabs listed there. I want to change the hotkey to Ctrl+Page Down and Ctrl+Page Up that's why.  :D

Bug #3
When I use the " -AutoRun=AutorunCmd" command-line parameter in the MC shortcut (to View the Full Pane), my Tabs get reset and there's only 1 tab !!  :( I have the shortcut running as Admin, maybe that has something to do with it ?
<~~ Nvm this is working too, I accidentally wrapped the [Shortcut Properties] path within double quotes —that's why it reset the Tabs !!  :D

#2 Not a bug. just an not implemented feature.
Some keys are not able to be changed. But you should be able to create a own command that call that command and assign to custom keys (unless that key is hard coded)
But the default variant will still be there too

Bug #1
When using 64x64 Thumbnail Mode, the 'Right-Click Menu Keyboard Key' (I have that as a special key on my Dell keyboard next to the Function Key (it's a laptop)) doesn't open the Right-Click Menu sometimes. On 96x96 Thumbnail Mode it's functional & works always in Detailed List Mode though :D . If you could fix this in a future update that'd be great !
P.S: I was able to pinpoint+replicate the issue:: It happens when the caret is on the first item 'Move To Upper (Empty Arrow) Directory' thumbnail, if you move the caret to an actual File\ Folder & then switch between Tabs, the Right-Click Menu appears ! So there's a prob /w the caret being on the first item 'Move To Upper (Empty Arrow) Directory' box initially. If you want a screenshot to demonstrate I can do so …  ;D
P.P.S: It works sometimes, doesn't work other times !  :'(
<~~ Nvm I fixed this by checking 'Show Context Menu on '..' Item" !!

Bug #2
I don't see the 'Keyboard Customization' hotkey for 'Switching Tabs': that is, I don't see the Ctrl+Tab and the Ctrl+Shift+Tab for moving backwards and forwards between Tabs listed there. I want to change the hotkey to Ctrl+Page Down and Ctrl+Page Up that's why.  :D

Bug #3
When I use the " -AutoRun=AutorunCmd" command-line parameter in the MC shortcut (to View the Full Pane), my Tabs get reset and there's only 1 tab !!  :( I have the shortcut running as Admin, maybe that has something to do with it ?
<~~ Nvm this is working too, I accidentally wrapped the [Shortcut Properties] path within double quotes —that's why it reset the Tabs !!  :D
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