There are changes planed in the future for the list view. But not so that filename column is totally automatic. I prefer to have the filename width be changable. If I got 200 files. 190 of them are around 15 char. but 10 of them have long 80char. Then I get a width that is WAY to long for most files.
If I understand correctly, you want to make an implementation where each column in List mode is as wide as its longest file name. That would result in columns that are not all of the same width. I don't know how would that look, aesthetically. Also at different events, like window resize for example, or creation of new objects, everything would have to be recalculated. If there are many files, it might be slow.
Ehh What.. Noo, I'm not talking abourt future stuff. Im taking about why I do not want the auto size filename column that can't be changes like in TC, Currently in MC you can resize the filename width your self, And change that to work like TC. I think that would work worse instead of better
I don't do changes in MC based on what TC does, MC is not trying to be a clone of TC. they are similar in many things. but I don't base features in MC on what TC do. If MC would be a clone of TC then there would be no point spending time developing MC.
MC does not have to be a clone of TC. I did not imply that. But it is hard to ignore the fact that TC is very widely used and can stand as a reference. To clone, as you say, means to copy everything. On the other hand, what I was saying in my post was to observe what others have done right. And TC has done a lot of them right. All those TC users are more likely to find a comfortable home in MC if they find familiar things. It is common sense to think that most people want to reuse what they already know and then learn a little extra, than to learn everything from the ground up when they change a software.
In a world where long file names, modification date and time are very important, you cannot have a List mode that leaves the user without seeing any of them properly.
Yes TC is used by many. MC is not. TC is commercial product, and must try to catch as many users as possible. I don't care about how many users I have. I developed MC mainly for my own needs, I don't make any money on MC. I have a day job.
MC is developed on my spare time, so I have to priorities what to spend time on.
I just get annoyed when people compare mc with other products. specially commercial.. The biggest reason MC is missing something is because I have not needed it.
But I do add stuff I never use my self. I got a long list of things to add and many of them are things I will never use my self. But it is more fun to add stuff I use my self. So things I use my self are higher priorities.