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Support and Feedback / Re: Everything support - wrong folder size
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on February 10, 2025, 12:17:20 »
I can't reproduce that..
What version of "Everything" are you running. ?

That value look like a 64bit max value.. I guess Everything might have returned an error code that is not handled.

Everything can cause slowness specially in the root of C: MC will get the folder size from everything in the background , so it should not lock up everything. but everything can cause slowness.

Do you see folder size in "Everything"? . Might be that it must be turned on in settings in Everything.. not sure if that is on by default.
Script / Re: 7-zip profiles vs cmd line 7-zip?
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on February 10, 2025, 12:16:00 »
Not sure why i hangs for you. it is strange..  all file operations are handled in background threads.

Can you give me a script that fails and a list how with how the the file structure should be for the script. Then I can test using the same file structure as you..  if it is something with the files or script
Support and Feedback / No full-row select
« Last post by MCHALNicter on February 10, 2025, 11:57:43 »
Hi there,

Thanks for your dev efforts.

Your program is a fantastic piece of software, but, PLEASE, DO implement NO full-row select! Some users do like to select a file/files only, and not a full row or full rows. It's simple as that. This would be greatly appreciated on my side of things and I sure would recommend it everywhere.

My kind regards and gratitude.
Script / Re: 7-zip profiles vs cmd line 7-zip?
« Last post by Ulfhednar on February 10, 2025, 11:51:25 »
Thanks for the reply Mathias.
Using your code works i.e. giving the instruction a fixed path for items, when I try to get it to work calling the items in my filtered array, it hangs.

The debugger has the red highlight active on the last line but clicking on anything fails to advance the operation.
The only window that shouldn't be present is the hung dialog. (See attached) No error dialogs or windows.

All MC dialogs will minimize but won't finish the op, restart req'd.
Is it related to how the path/filename is being added to the array?  the $fullfilename is correctly enumerated in the debugger showing the whole string.
Support and Feedback / Everything support - wrong folder size
« Last post by xurc on February 10, 2025, 11:45:57 »

I've just downloaded MC 15.0 and installed Everything to check the new feature (folder sizes). Well it turns out that all folders have the same size and it is huge. Check the screenshot.
Also noticed that when Everything has crashed (during search) MC hangs (not responsive)

Script / Re: 7-zip profiles vs cmd line 7-zip?
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on February 10, 2025, 08:41:32 »
Yes the idea was to scan subfolders; zip specifically named folders; delete those source zipped folders, leaving the 7z in their place & log operations.
(a & b were just placeholders for my test before giving it actual pathing)

I was thinking of adding a StrIsRegExpMatchNoCase or similar to delete redundant files recursively.  Basically a tidy up operation on a number of subfolders.
I got this, but the DeleteFiles instruction hangs the debugger & MC with a deletion dialog, tried with & without {}s on the last instruction.  Also tried SILENT to no effect  ???
Am I missing sth or is this a bug?

Code: [Select]
@var $currentPath = GetSourcePath();
@var $Items = GetSourceItems();
@var $count = arrayCount($Items);
@var $curItem;
@var $fullFilename;
@var $array2[];

// Loop all items in the $Items array
for( $n = 0; $n < $count; $n++)
  $curItem = $Items[$n];
  $fullFilename = $currentPath ^ $curItem;
  @var $isMatch = StrIsRegExpMatchNoCase($fullFilename, "[a-z0-9]{30}");

      arrayAdd($array2, $curItem);

@var $options[] = {"NODIALOG"};
DeleteFiles($array2, $options);

Thanks in advance for looking at this

Hang the debugger ? hmm any error dialog that popup behind MC maybe ?

this work for me
Code: [Select]
@var $deleteOptions[] = {"NODIALOG"};

@var $files[] = {"R:\\Target\\", "R:\\Target\\", "R:\\Target\\"};

DeleteFiles($files, $deleteOptions);
Support and Feedback / Re: Invalid Path
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on February 10, 2025, 07:19:17 »
Ahh During file operation. the look in the fileoperations log.  not app log. sorry

In core settings you can enable if the logging should be saved or not and what log level you want to show
Support and Feedback / Re: Invalid Path
« Last post by PhilR on February 09, 2025, 23:54:04 »

This happens every time I run a copy (command F4) of several directories from a hard drive to an external hard drive (connected via USB) and each time several folders are affected

About app log :
only standard messages (see attached)

a question : is it possible to export in in txt file  FilesOperations Log and application Log ?


No the status field in the file list is currently not customizable
Support and Feedback / Re: Invalid Path
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on February 09, 2025, 20:17:40 »
When do you get this. What do you do to get this.

Is there any more information in the app log ?  Ctrl+L ?
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