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Messages - ags

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Support and Feedback / Re: Optimization in List view
« on: December 12, 2023, 12:33:53 »
It is important to quckly see date, time, size in the footer of the panel for List view, always in exactly the same spot.
Other older orthodox file managers had this implemented 30 years ago. So there was a use for it. It is not so practical for users to keep changing the view to see what they should see without changing anything.

See, that is how open sourcing would help the project. MC is nice and there is a lot that could be praised about it. But it is the vision of one man. It is what you want, not what people want. Open sourcing would make it (in time, of course) what you want AND what I want AND what others want. And this would bring maturity to the project.

In the upper right side of this forum I see "File Managment For Professionals". So maturity is to be expected from MC. By the way, there is a spelling error in that.

Support and Feedback / Re: Optimization in List view
« on: December 12, 2023, 09:47:24 »
When panel is in List view, it is important to be able to see date, time and size for files under cursor. MC does not do that by default. Can it be configured?

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Open Source
« on: December 11, 2023, 21:32:37 »
Because by being open source, this project would attract contributions from different people with different visions. MC would get much more attention. Many contributions would just come to you and you would only have to review them, which would be easier for you.
Now, if someone has a good idea and you do not like it, you won't work on it. But if you also would get the implementation of that idea, it would be easier to include it in the project. MC would improve a lot, and faster.
It can be remotely be compared to the case of Double Commander. It was open-source before, but at some point it took a big step and moved the development to github and since then, the project benefited from more attention from contributors. A lot of problems were and are fixed.

If a list of languages predefined and written in a text file is not a static config, how is it then?
Is there an automated process in MC that reads the files in directory Languages and generates the SupportedLanguages.xml?

Support and Feedback / Re: Optimization in List view
« on: July 30, 2023, 14:03:50 »
Okay, I thought I'd suggest that by default, in Details view, the left and right keyboard arrows would behave like PageUp and PageDown.
Doesn't that make more sense?

I use Multi Commander portable and I like how small it is. To make it even smaller, I delete the files of languages I do not use. Unfortunately, MC treats the language list as a static one, so they still appear in Language combobox in Core Settings.

Proposed implementation: make MC smarter by dynamically inserting at startup values in the combobox of only the files that exist in the Languages directory.

Support and Feedback / Optimization in List view
« on: July 29, 2023, 08:03:48 »
Firstly, thank you for this program, I really like how small it is on the disk and how well it's files are organized.

Regarding the use of keyboard, it is much simpler to navigate a long list of files using the arrow keys. But in Details mode the left and right arrows do not work.

To fix this I switch the panel to List mode. All the arrows work but then item creation and size is not displayed anywhere as the user passes with the cursor over them. They should be seen, they are important. Maybe in the bottom bar, which is only useful when user selects some files?

Offtopic 1: in the upper right corner of the forum, the news is that v12.8 is released and I am using v13 :)

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