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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: 1 ... 141 142 143 144 [145] 146 147 148 149 ... 172
Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: <dir> in the extension column
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:42:59 »
It is a big difference. You do not have file extensions on folders at all. So that space will always be used for the name.
For file it can be turned off. you can choose to show the file extension in the name column. then the Ext column will be empty. (You can still sort on it.)
and the name column will overflow into the ext col.

Quick search on date/time is messy because every region has it own way of writing time and dates. and it is messy

But the View filter does support date/time filtering a bit.

"!today"  - only show file/folder with date from today
"-!today" - show all file Except the file/folder from today
"!2012-01-01" - Show file that are newer then 2012-01-01
"-!2012-01-01" - Show file that are older then then 2012-01-01

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: automatic rename on conflict
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:16:28 »
Something like that is planned.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: color filters by size
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:14:07 »
As I mention. The whole coloring system in MC will be change and it will allow for rule based coloring

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: <dir> in the extension column
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:12:32 »
There is a reason for this.
The Filename column can overflow the next column if it is empty. If the folder name is longer then can be shown in the name column and the next column is empty then it will also use that column space for the name.
Showing <Dir> in the Ext column would not allow that, Since now the Ext column is not empty anymore.

Support and Feedback / Re: custom date display
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:04:17 »
time format
Code: [Select]
"hh:mm tt"will show 12hour clock with am/pm

It will get the am/pm from regional and language setting under the control panel on the computer, If you run on a computer that is set for 24H clock the am/pm field are often blank so then you need to add then.

Time Format


Support and Feedback / Re: grid lines
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:55:37 »
The colors for the gridlines can not be change. But that will be added.. It is on the list.

If no folders are selected then all folders will will be calculated when selecting to calculate folder size.
Or if you select a folder with spacebar it will also calculate just that folder.

I think that is only an issue if you are running the Windows Explorer styled setup. That setup is very restricted and not optimized for best usage.
Commander styled setup is much better in doing that.

Support and Feedback / Re: focus rectangle freezing
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:47:58 »
If a folder has restricted access then it should just beep and continue without going into that folder.  Never seen a problem with that before.
Are you running some other program that maybe tries to auto elevate processes or something else that tries to do something when some program access a restricted folder ? Because I do not see how MC can act the way you says.

Support and Feedback / Re: Condensed view settings - confused
« on: November 12, 2012, 19:10:13 »
"set current layout as default" only affect what columns and columns sizes you want as default.. it does not affect what view mode you want to have.

What view mode should be used for new tabs can not be changed, It is always "Details". But there will be an settings for what the default view mode for new tabs should be in the future.

"Unchecking" column does not change the saved column set. just the current in memory set.. (this will change in the future) So you need to choose Remove Column (if shown.. only for none default column) or modify the "[Default]" column set under "Customize columns sets.."

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Better Time Estimations
« on: November 12, 2012, 19:02:27 »
That would be too complex and time consuming to develop something like that. If it is would even be possible.

It would be an interesting research project for a student or similar but way to time consuming for me to work on.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Better Time Estimations
« on: November 12, 2012, 14:20:31 »
I'm assuming before the copy a list is compiled of the fieles to be copied (maybe including their file sizes?), couldn't this somewho be used to create an average file size+time of copy average so that if one copies say 10 big files and 10000 small files of the same physical size at the end the last files wouldn't be estimated to take just as much as the first half?
It is. And the time estimate is based on bytes copied. if we have 100G to copy and we have copied 50G in 5Min. then the estimate is that the other 50G would also take 5 min. Problem is that if the first 70G are very large files and the last 30G are 3.500.000 very small files.  Then the estimates will be off since the overhead of creating files. File systems are slow when adding/removing entire into the filesystem.

Support and Feedback / Re: Condensed view settings - confused
« on: November 12, 2012, 14:09:46 »
I figured out why list view mode is not remained. It is because i disabled Remember open paths option.
Ahh. Yes that is correct. If this option is off. And MC starts without finding ANY old tab data, it will open two new tabs with default settings (one on each side)

Support and Feedback / Re: Condensed view settings - confused
« on: November 12, 2012, 14:03:17 »
Changing view mode to List Mode should be saved between restarts.
AFAIR, list mode remained after restart. But now it is not saved.

It remains but then it does not ?

I switch left a tab on the left side to list mode, Exit , Start , left side still in list mode... Or I'm missing something ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Condensed view settings - confused
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:59:41 »
I Assume you are talking about running the tab in LIST mode.
Changing view mode to List Mode should be saved between restarts. However when creating a new tabs it will be in detail mode.
And if you create tab at startup from script or command line it will not remember the view mode settings since you are creating NEW tabs, Not restoring old.  since the view mode settings is unique to the opened tabs.

Columns have very little use in LIST mode. Only the first column is used to size. (and all column will be shown with that size.)
the other columns are only used for sorting. So adding/removing column when in List Mode will have no effect.

Not sure what your problem is. I'm not able to recreate it, or I'm not understanding your problem correct.
I can switch a tab to List Mode and then exit , and start MC again and that tab is now still in list mode.

Support and Feedback / Re: folder/filder sizes
« on: November 11, 2012, 16:57:06 »
First you need to know if MC and Explorer finds the same actual bytes, do that by settings MC to display bytes.
If Windows Explorer is showing less number of bytes that MC then it includes more files then Windows Explorer. can be that Windows Explorer does not include hidden/system files but MC does.
MC is using 1KB = 1024bytes when recalculating bytes to KB/MB. maybe Windows Explorer does not to that. (I think it does.. not sure )

GB.. Yes MC does not convert files sizes inside the listing to GB. it stops at MB, I did not like it when it did GB so I removed that.

Support and Feedback / Re: My Documents Toolbar
« on: November 11, 2012, 16:49:24 »
Go to you documents folder and then back out of it and drag the documents folder to the Quick Launch bar and you will now have a toolbar button that will take you to the documents folder.

Support and Feedback / Re: focus rectangle freezing
« on: November 11, 2012, 16:47:02 »
I have not seen this. I have not been able to recreate this either.

Might be that the file list result you are seeing is cached. Try to force a refresh (F2/F5 - depending on settings)

Support and Feedback / Re: display 0 byte size
« on: November 11, 2012, 16:41:48 »

Support and Feedback / Re: switch to next/previous tab and other panel
« on: November 11, 2012, 16:41:11 »
TAB - change focus between left/right panel
Ctrl+Tab - Change tab on active side. Goes to next tab
Shift+Ctrl+Tab - Change tab on active side.. but goes to previous tab

Support and Feedback / Re: custom toolbar
« on: November 11, 2012, 16:39:19 »
create a User Defined Command of Custom Command type

For showing hidden/system files
Code: [Select]
MC.CmdLineRun CMD=":showhidden"
To hide hidden/system files
Code: [Select]
MC.CmdLineRun CMD=":hidehidden"

Support and Feedback / Re: custom toolbar
« on: November 09, 2012, 23:23:57 »
in 'User Defined Command' you can create new commands of different type. With "Internal Commands" most of the install commands can be select. or to be able to customze them more you use command of the type "Custom Command",
This commands can then be added to the quick launch bar when right clicking on the it and selecting "Insert User Defined Command"

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